They discover secret images of an extraterrestrial being on the dark internet (Video)

The Internet is made up of three different layers: the surface web, the deep web, and the dark web. The top layer, the surface Internet, are web pages that appear using search engines like Google. The Deep Web are web pages that cannot be accessed by search engines and are therefore hidden, and can only be accessed through passwords and authorizations.

Every time you log into an account, you are accessing content from the deep web that is not displayed in a search engine. For example, work intranets, password-protected online banks, and a blog’s control panel are stored in the deep web. But the dark internet is a network of untraceable websites and online activities. They cannot be found using conventional search engines and access requires specific software, settings or authorization. They are used by many different people to keep their internet activity hidden.

In this digital place you can find anything from illegal activity related to finance, extremism, weapons, hacking, abuse and fraud. But we can also find surprising material about UFOs and aliens, such as photos and videos that are part of classified material. Like the video that has recently been published, where you can see how some men experiment with what appears to be a possible real alien.

The alien being from the Swiss Alps

The images were recorded in 1992 and appear to show a real alien being. The video has been discovered on the dark internet by a man who has wanted to remain anonymous. It has been considered by experts on the subject as “hyperrealistic” and has caused all kinds of reactions among Internet users.

The anonymous user, who claimed to have found the footage in a file on a dark web server, said the file contained a video with no references other than “EBE 1992, Eiger.” Although the video appears to be a montage of photographs, the images are so real that many netizens have described it as “the most disturbing footage of a real alien” they have ever seen in his life.

In the video, it appears that the photographs show what appears to be a discovery of an alien life form in a cold environment, which could very well be Eiger, Switzerland.

“It appears that someone made this video under duress and under clandestine circumstances. Could this be a big discovery that wasn’t made public?” said the anonymous user who discovered the video.

The information on this video is quite limited. For some it is perhaps one of the greatest finds in the history of mankind. Experts believe it to be a VHS recording made in Switzerland in 1992. It shows not just an alien entity of some sort, but multiple people examining it (including the camera operator). This alien appeared as if he had been electrocuted and also appears to be dead.

It is not clear if it is part of some kind of secret scientific discovery or if it was made in cooperation with the government, or even that it could be a film set. Obviously, this material has been kept under wraps for a variety of different reasons. Supposedly, this video was first discovered by someone browsing the dark web. The file that this anonymous person found also contained references to EBE, which stands for “extraterrestrial biological entity.” “Eiger” is also mentioned, which could refer to the 3,970 m high mountain in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland, which is part of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn complex declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2001.

extraterrestre internet oscura - Descubren imágenes secretas de un ser extraterrestre en la Internet oscura

The quality of the images seems to be quite low, so it doesn’t leave much room for Photoshop. However, the most skeptical claim that the images are false due to the “plastic” texture of the alien being, which suggests that it was created by a human. And, as if that were not enough, Scott Brando, editor of the well-known disinformation web portal “UFO of Interest”, explained that the video first appeared on YouTube published by the “Etrangesvideos” channel in September 2008. At that time it was said that the discovery was made in Quebec, Canada. However, shortly after it was learned that they were only images of an exhibition of an alien corpse in a museum. Brando exposed the repetition of the hoax on Twitter and accused the YouTubers of “re-sharing an old montage.”

“Have 1992 images of alien bodies in Switzerland been found on the dark web?” Scott Brando tweeted. “The exhibit is behind a glass panel. Emergency workers are wax figures. They don’t move.”

While anything could be possible, this video could very well be a huge discovery that wasn’t meant to be released to the public. What do you think about this video? Reality or very well elaborated montage?

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