A Lot Of Russian Citizens Saw And Filmed 23 Feet Aliens Getting Off of UFO – It Happened In Krasnodar

A purportedly extraterrestrial spacecraft has been spotted in the Russian city of Krasnodar. This tale went viral in Russia, where local accounts suggest that the ship was attacked by multiple enormous animals.

The sighting occurred near the Krasnodar hamlet of Vodniki. At approximately 4:00 a.m., some inhabitants of the village phoned the police to report that they had seen a strange spacecraft land in the forest near their homes.

Witnesses said that seven huge aliens, each measuring around 23 feet tall and dressed in silver uniforms, descended from the spacecraft.

The police began a comprehensive investigation of the scene. They were able to locate a group of witnesses who were able to show them where the spacecraft had landed.

All witnesses are in good health, according to reports, and exhibit no symptoms of having used alcohol or any other substance. The police, on the other hand, uncovered no tangible or material evidence that may provide further information about the occurrence. It’s a nice cover-up.

Finally, local and national publications reported that the police had demanded that the material be registered with higher authorities for further inquiry.

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