GREY looking alien caught on hand held camera from inside the house in Colorado?

“In November 2017, social media was ablaze with controversy over a photo that was claimed to show an alien-like creature captured on a handheld camera from inside a house in Colorado. The photo immediately attracted the attention of both believers in the existence of extraterrestrial life and skeptics.

Believers in extraterrestrial life claimed that the photo was credible evidence of a meeting with an alien creature. They argued that the photo was not a hoax or digitally altered, and was clear evidence of the existence of beings not from Earth.

However, skeptics argued that the photo was either a hoax or a case of mistaken identity. They argued that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life, and that photos like these are often created using graphic software.

Regardless of the arguments, the fact remains that we still do not have clear evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. We need to continue to study and explore the universe to gain a better understanding of the mysteries of our world. If one day we do find clear evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, it will fundamentally change our understanding of the universe and the world around us.”


GREY looking alien caught on hand held camera from inside the house in Colorado?!?!?!

♬ original sound – AJ’s UFO Files – AJ’s UFO Files

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