When we saw him twisted in half, we started crying and wondering what he could be going through

Dog lovers find it difficult to understand why somebody would wish to harm an innocent animal for no reason. Some people are cruel, and their actions have no rational explanation. Our is the story of Spencer, a sad dog who suffered a great lot of maltreatment during his first year on this planet.

Spencer is a nice Doberman who was discovered on the side of the freeway in South Carolina after being hit by a vehicle. He was discovered walking along the side of the road, hunting for roadkill to eat.

Spencer was luckily transported to Paws & Claws in Columbia, South Carolina, by some caring individuals. Spencer’s members were clearly visible to the vet’s staff. He suffered a fractured back, which was most likely caused by the vehicle accident.

Staff members also saw he had a bad ear crop job, which was plainly done at home. He was also subjected to x-rays, which revealed a cluster of razor-sharp bird bones trapped in his stomach. These were about to tear his stomach apart! He also suffered gashes on his head and legs that needed stitching!

Spencer had evidently been abused, and he had managed to run, or someone had dropped him on the street, leaving him to fend for himself and attempt to survive on his own. With the help of the VCA Animal Specialty Center of South Carolina, they discovered some great news. Spencer would be alright because he was so little. He could still feel his legs, and they hoped that surgery would help heal his spine and allow him to walk again!

Fortunately, his back surgery went well, and he was on his way to learning to walk again. Furthermore, the veterinarians discovered that the bones in his stomach were starting to pass safely on their own. Everything appeared to be moving in the right way.

He is presently healing with the help of kind staff members and physical therapy. He’s moving at breakneck speed! He began walking with full assistance and, before they knew it, he was able to walk without the need of a sling. He’s back to his old self and can now walk on his own! “He’s a great dog who is young, cheerful, and otherwise in good health. He’s eager to enjoy a great life.”

Update: Spencer found his forever home!

It’s no surprise that this brave dog got his perfect family, complete with canine siblings! His parents monitor his Facebook profile, so be sure to follow him.

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