The love triangle between the monsters in ‘Suicide Squad’.

The love triangle between Joker, Harley Quinn and Deadshot will be depicted in the blockbuster ‘Suicide Squad’ by DC and Warner Bros.

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For those who only watch the Joker adaptations, they will never expect that a “great villain” like him can develop a love. In fact, in the original comic book or animated version, the Joker did have a passionate and self-serving love affair with Arkham Institute psychiatrist – Harley Quinn.

Chuyện tình tay ba giữa các quái nhân trong ‘Suicide Squad’

The love triangle between the monsters in ‘Suicide Squad’
Joker (Jared Leto)

If the animated movie ‘Batman: Assault on Arkham’ follows the story, Harley Quinn will escape from prison, run away from the Joker’s obsession and join the Suicide Squad led by Deadshot. But what no one expected was that the Joker also escaped and suddenly appeared to manipulate Harley Quinn again

Chuyện tình tay ba giữa các quái nhân trong ‘Suicide Squad’

Chuyện tình tay ba giữa các quái nhân trong ‘Suicide Squad’

All conjectures about this “love triangle” episode in ‘Suicide Squad’ became well-founded when a series of behind-the-scenes photos between Joker (Jared Leto) and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) were released. launched. These images show Harley pointing a gun at Joker’s head, then Joker was able to snatch the gun back before it pulled the trigger and gave Harley a heavy slap. But then the two became intimate, it seemed like Harley Quinn was giving the Joker a kiss.

Chuyện tình tay ba giữa các quái nhân trong ‘Suicide Squad’

The love triangle between the monsters in ‘Suicide Squad’
To add to the drama, the filmmakers also cleverly added a “third person” to intervene in the “crazy” love affair between Joker and Harley Quinn, Deadshot (Will Smith) – captain of the ‘Squad’. Suicide’. In an interview with Empire magazine, director David Ayer said: “The movie is about her escaping from The Joker and becoming a completely realistic and independent person like this. This is actually a metaphor for the journey of all the characters here.”

Chuyện tình tay ba giữa các quái nhân trong ‘Suicide Squad’

The love triangle between the monsters in ‘Suicide Squad’
Will Smith explains the relationship between Deadshot and Harley Quinn: “Harley is the one causing the most trouble, but Deadshot also has a bit of an eye for her. There will be a love triangle story in the film.” Smith also revealed a bit about Deadshot’s backstory when audiences were first introduced to the character: “When the movie opens, he has a pretty promising career. He hoped to change his life with his daughter after that hit, but bad things happened. It’s very bad, very wrong. And it put him in Belle Reve for the rest of his life.”

Chuyện tình tay ba giữa các quái nhân trong ‘Suicide Squad’

The love triangle between the monsters in ‘Suicide Squad’
One interesting thing is that Will Smith and Margot Robbie played the role of a troubled couple in ‘Focus’ earlier this year. Although the movie is not really excellent, the chemistry between the two stars is undeniable and is now preparing for them to recreate in ‘Suicide Squad’. The blockbuster ‘Suicide Squad’ is expected to premiere globally on August 5, 2016.

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