Old Beggar Passed Away, But This Stray Dog Still Goes Find Food For His Close Friend

 Dogs are incredibly loyal and affectionate animals, and the bond that exists between a  dog and its owner is unique. This is why there are so many touching stories on social media about  dogs devoted to their friends, making viewers both emotional and compassionate.

As a result, the story of a stray  dog that was recently shared on the Sohu (China) Facebook page brought many people to tears recently. A stray dog wandering around looking for food outside people’s homes is a common sight in a small town in Shandong, China.

Because this dog is so cute and good-looking, people feed it frequently and it has become a well-known part of the community. Although many people would like to adopt the  dog, no one has done so due to fears that the dog may contain a contagious disease that could infect humans. During the harsh winter of last year, people noticed a wild  dog coming with an old beggar living under the bridge.

 Dogs are incredibly loyal and affectionate animals, and the bond that exists between a dog and its owner is unique. This is why there are so many touching stories on social media about  dogs devoted to their friends, making viewers emotional and sympathetic.

As a result, the story of a stray dog that was recently shared on the Sohu (China) Facebook page recently brought many people to tears. A stray  dog wandering around looking for food outside people’s homes was a common sight in a small town in Shandong, China.

Since this  dog is so cute and adorable, people feed it frequently and it has become a well-known part of the community. Although many people would like to adopt this dog, no one has done so due to fears that the dog has a contagious disease that could infect humans. During last year’s harsh winter, people noticed a wild dog coming with an old beggar living under the bridge.

A few days later, the young boy saw the dog doing the same thing and decided to follow him to see what happened to the  dog. Surprisingly, the scene in front of him stunned and saddened him as soon as he arrived. When the young man approached, he found the  dog lying near the elderly beggar surrounded by the food that the dog had recently brought to the old man. Unfortunately, the elderly man had passed away and was unable to see this sight.

Finally, after confirming that the cause of death was cold complications, the man had to call the police to deal with the incident because the elderly beggar had no family, and the police took over. The police had prepared and sent someone to deal with the aftermath of the incident and transported the old man to be cremated.

The feral  dog seemed to realize what had happened after watching the whole scenario. It walked silently from one person to another collecting the remains of a human life. There was no trace of the old beggar under the bridge soon after, but the  dog still had a sad expression on its face.

Someone adopted the dog because his plight was so terrible; however, a few days later, others noticed the dog wandering under the bridge. It seems that he has not given up hope yet, and is always waiting for the old beggar to return.

Many people were moved by the story of the  dog and the old beggar in Shandong, and many made comments such as:

“Dogs have always been our loyal and unique companions.”

“This dog is incredibly loyal, but his friend is dead.”

“We hope that in the next life the  dog can dwell quietly in the love of its owner.”

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