6 Alien Machines Dug Up In America – They Covered Up After Discovery (Video)

According to the anonymous source, six extraterrestrial machines were found buried deep in the ground in 1990, all of them in the same location. The location supposedly is beneath an American military base.

Shortly after their discovery, it was reported that they were buried again in the same location. The source also provided some extra information and an example of strange alien-like petroglyphs engraved on the machine.

With the appearance of the photo and the numerous pieces of information related to the case, the internet and forums buzzed with theories and people attempting to find an explanation for the photo.

Eventually someone came up with a theory.

According to this person, these machines were part of a black operation project to create magnetic energy, however, the program was a total failure and the American government decided to bury it all.

Nevertheless, even though by looking at the images we can see that it fits quite well with the theory of that person, we see that the machines, in particular, look quite recent. They don’t look like they have been buried and re-buried for years.

And another thing, don’t you find it a bit convenient that a UFO researcher discloses an image of an unknown machine, to then have the government cover up the object? It’s a too big coincidence.

Another theory relates these machines with space or even time travel.

The only thing we know is that this image is real, and all indicates that it is some kind of secret technology that might be connected, as we’ve said before, to advanced time travel or even some kind of extraterrestrial engineering.


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