Life on Mars: UFO Hunter Sees a ‘Statue’ on Mars and Claims It’s ‘100% Alien-Proof’

Conspiracy theorist and self-styled UFO expert Scott C Waring claims to have found undeniable proof of life on Mars. Mr. Waring is a firm believer that we are not alone in the Universe and Mars is just one of many planets aliens call home. In his latest discovery, he shared NASA photos of what he thinks is a small statue or temple built by extraterrestrials.

The photos were taken by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover on the 2,620th day of its mission.

The remote probe has been exploring the surface of Mars since August 2012.

In addition to collecting and analyzing rock and soil samples, the rover captures thousands of images that it sends back to Earth.

Real UFOs like Mr. Waring scour the photos for alleged alien artifacts and technology.

And although most discoveries are nothing more than odd-shaped rocks, Waring is convinced he’s on the right track.

Commenting on his latest discovery, he said: “Hey, I was looking at a gigapan photo of Mars when I realized I was looking directly at a statue of Mars.

“The statue is similar to that of an Egyptian sphinx, except this one is taller and this one has a halo around its head and a long robe.

“Also down the front of the mantle, there is a huge door in the shape of a cross.

The beings that enter would be about 10cm tall

Scott C Waring, UFO Sightings Daily“You can even see the person’s face, hair, shoulders.”

In Waring’s opinion, the alleged statue was sacred to the people who made it.

However, he suggested that Martian ETs are absolutely tiny, measuring no more than 3.9 inches tall.

Waring said: “The structure is about 1.5 meters high, so beings entering it would be about 10 centimeters tall.

“Not just 100% alien proof, but proof that aliens trust religion.”

But scientists have never found any evidence of life on Mars and are unlikely to ever do so.

If there ever was life on the planet billions of years ago, it would have just been simple and microbial.

NASA said: “Even if there was no life on Mars, it would be exciting to know if there used to be life there.

“So in addition to looking for living bacteria, NASA will be looking for small fossils that may indicate that life began early in Mars’ history but, unlike our home planet, did not survive and evolve into larger life forms. ”

Instead, scientists believe that UFO hunters like Waring fell into an effect known as pareidolia.

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