Unveiling the Inspiring Journey of a Woman Who Overcame Adversity

Most times we make different decisions upon our lives.

We always know that these decisions are what’s best for us.

When we see and find out the results of these decisions that we made years ago, some of us regret and others are extremely happy at.

She is 56 years old.

She says that at her age she has never slept or been with a man in her entire life.

According to what she says, she is the one that did this to herself because she was scared.

Though she is disabled, this is not at all the case that led to her being single for all these years.

Alvara kept on fighting it and now she is dying to have a man to call her husband.

The most surprising part about it is that she found a man who is ready to marry her only if she gave him 200 dollars.

Her story

This is her story Alvarez was born in a far away village and she was not at all disabled by then.

She was born as a normal girl.

Everything was ok, but as she was growing up, the situation changed, and this is when she started getting sick.

She was still very young by then and she hardly noticed what was going on.

When she felt sick, her parents decided to take out one of the local traditional doctors for treatment, which they did for some time, but it failed and nothing changed about her situation.

Both of her parents gave up on treatment and they left her to live with it.

According to alvera, she refers to this as ignorance of the people that were living in the past years, because this is what they decided to go for instead of seeking for medical advice from a hospital.

Overcome food.

Her parents

She personally believes that she would have been able to get treatment if she was taken to a hospital and she would have grown up as a normal and fine lady and she could be able to walk normally

She says that her parents kept this from her and never told her that she was born a normal baby.

It was her relatives that had to come and tell her everything.

They told her that she was fine in the first place, but things changed.

Today she is living in a lot of regret and she says that she wishes that she could take back time and change everything, but unfortunately she cannot do anything about it.

She now started living with this, but it was so hard for her because other children in the society, as well as older people, always used to laugh at her because of the way that she was working.


She got scared, refused them all and she didn’t even give them a chance

She says that she could see that what all these men wanted was just to sleep with her, make her pregnant and walk away.

She was so afraid that this was going to happen and, with her being disabled, she couldn’t think that she was going to survive on her own during pregnancy.

Um, she decided to say no to them because it was obvious that they wanted to take advantage of her.

Now she kept on living under this condition and everyone in this society got used to how she was treating men.

She wanted to turn back her life, but now it was too late.

She is 56 years old now.


He said that he would marry alvera and Mecca, his wife, if she only gave him money he demanded for two hundred dollars so that he could accept this offer to marry this old lady.

She says that it is okay with her to pay this kind of money for marriage, but the truth is that she lives in a very deep village and there is no way that you could ever afford this kind of money.

We asked alvera if she could give him the money if she had got it.

Today, she surely replied with a big yes.

She says that she would do it because she really needs him and she has been dreaming of having a husband and a family of her own for years.


You are in this house.

She lives alone and she is really bored.

The only thing that keeps her entertained is this analog radio.

She always keeps it around her most of the time because no one is always there for her.

Well, we do not know if being someone to become your life partner is the right thing to do in such a case.


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