Healing Odyssey: Michigan’s Resilient Feline Finds Solace and Sympathy Amidst Life’s Challenges

MICHIGAN – Jane Alexander Krysinski had very little hope for the cat delivered to her veterinary hospital covered in an infection, fleas, and also duct tape.

“I thought the cat was going to die yesterday,” Krysinski stated. “This cat is in pretty poor condition. However, (he) has responded amazingly to treatment.”

Grand Traverse County Animal Control Officer Deb Zerafa brought the cat into Krysinski’s Grand Traverse Veterinary Hospital just the other day.

Zerafa found the cat near the veterinary hospital on Veterans Drive, Krysinski stated. It took an hour or so to cut through the tape. Veterinarians then followed with cleaning his skin, giving him antibiotics and fluids and naming him Ronnie.

About 20 percent of all of his skin was covered in tape and now is infected, Krysinski stated. He is also suffering from a tumor in his ear, is underweight and is anemic. His organs are now finally recovering with treatment.

There are some pet owners who put duct tape on their animals to prevent them from scratching or biting themselves, Krysinski explained. She’s unsure if Ronnie’s owner intended to keep him from scratching or to intentionally abuse him, and no one knows who the owner is.

“It’s hard for me to believe that a person would do this intentionally to hurt an animal,” she stated.

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