Senior Cat Bliss: 22-Year-Old Finds Happiness Beyond the Shelter Walls

A 22-year-old cat is so happy to be out of the shelter, and have a full belly and a comfy place to spend her golden years.

In early October, a cat was surrendered to a local shelter in Brisbane (AU) when she was at the ripe old age of 22. “Her family are no longer able to afford her care due to the rising costs of living,” Nikki of Best Friends Felines shared.

The shelter was at capacity and didn’t have the resources to help her. When Best Friends Felines learned about her situation, they immediately began arranging for a foster home for the senior cat.

They were determined to rescue her and take her in to ensure she lives the rest of her life filled with love.

The cat named Thelma was just skin and bones and missing patches of fur. At her age, she ought to be spending her retirement in a comfortable, quiet home instead of being behind bars of a shelter kennel.

The rescue reached out to their community in hopes of securing a carer for the deserving cat. With the power of social media, a volunteer stepped up to the plate, and the sweet cat was able to leave the shelter that day and start a new chapter.

“She arrived via transport and what a state she was in–she was incredibly thin, full of mats and endless bald patches, but what a smoochy sweet lady she is.”

Thelma was an instant love-bug and very affectionate towards everyone she came across. She happily rubbed her face on her carer while kneading away with her paws.

After a full day at the vet’s office, they were able to shave off all the matted fur and give her a luxurious spa treatment that she so deserved. “She is looking sparkly new with a mat-free coat,” the rescue added.

Thelma was also treated for a urinary tract infection but was otherwise doing well. She was so content and purring nonstop the whole time as if she knew she was in good hands.

The sweet girl has joined the rescue’s palliative care program which provides a life-long haven and care for special needs cats and super senior cats to give them the best life possible.

Thelma is tough and brave, and has quickly bounced back through good care and a comfortable environment. She will enjoy her golden years with a dedicated carer to cater to her every need.

The sweet feline has already explored around her new home and found many soft blankets and pillows to nestle in. She loves sharing the big bed with her people, and adores every moment she spends with them.

Besides her foster family, Thelma now has many fluffy toys to choose from and cuddle up with all day.“She will live the remainder of her life however long that is in Best Friends Felines’ care with endless love from her carer, vet trips when needed, and a full belly and comfy bed.”


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