Captivated by the Enchanting Eyes of This Street’s Blind Cat

When Sandra Coudray saw a photo of Jasmine, a blind chimera looking cat, on Association Adoption Feline Facebook page, she stole the French girl’s heart right away. The stray kitty was malnourished and scared of people, however, all it took was a little bit of love for her to believe in humans again. Now, the stunning calico cat loves kisses and cuddles and is very attached to her human mom Coudray.

“I immediately wanted to adopt her knowing that she was blind as I previously lived with a cat who had become blind with age,” Coudray explained to LoveMeow. “Last time I went to Normandy for a few days to see my family and left her in the care of my brother. She waited for me on my bed most of the day every day. Now she can not do without us, and we can’t do without her. She brings us so much joy and love.”

Jasmine, the blind stray cat, was found wandering all confused and scared in the streets of France

The poor kitty was taken to an animal shelter

“She stole my heart right at that instant,” said Coudray after seeing Jasmine on Facebook

“The foster family explained that she was blind, but to me she is no less than any other cats”

“I immediately wanted to adopt her…as I previously lived with a cat who had become blind with age”

Malnutrition might have caused her blindness, she was scared of people and other animals

Now, Jasmine loves kisses and cuddles and is very attached to her human mom Coudray

“Last time I went to Normandy for a few days to see my family and left her in the care of my brother”

“She waited for me on my bed most of the day every day”

“Now she can not do without us, and we can’t do without her. She brings us so much joy and love”

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