Minnie: Meet the Irresistibly Cute Kitten with Short Legs and Curled Ears Winning Over Hearts Everywhere

Whether it’s dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, or even wild animals, when they are still young, they are truly exceptionally cute! Recently, a super adorable photo series of a kitten named Minnie has caused a sensation in the cat-loving community. Minnie, with her short legs and super cute curled ears, adorned in evenly distributed gray-blue fur, simply melts the hearts of viewers. Now, let’s together enjoy the photos of Minnie!

The owner mentioned that the serendipity of encountering Minnie actually happened on an advertising website. She saw someone posting a photo of Minnie with the caption “She needs a home.” Without hesitation, the owner who connected with Minnie at first sight went to adopt her the next day

The owner chuckled and said, “Actually, I don’t care about Minnie’s breed. I’m just happy to have met her!” She mentioned that due to the distinctive feature of short legs, for the sake of convenience, she would continue to refer to Minnie as a Munchkin short-legged cat. She even gave her the nickname “Miss Minnie” for everyone to interact with.

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