Protective Stray Cat Ensures Safe Shelter for Her Vulnerable Kittens, Shielding Them from the Elements

A stray cat chose the right place for her kittens so they wouldn’t have to live another day outside.


A stray cat showed up in the backyard of a couple’s home. She was just skin and bones and very hungry. When the couple offered a bowl of canned food, she scarfed it down as if she hadn’t eaten for days.

From that day on, the cat returned to the same backyard every evening for dinner. “She knew this place would help her survive the tough outdoors,” Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared with Love Meow.

“Over the next few days, the couple was able to get closer to her and gain her trust by providing food and water.”

The cat warmed up to the couple and began to allow them to pet her. That’s when they noticed signs of her being a nursing mother.

One evening, instead of running off after dinner, the tortie had a different plan. She lead the couple to a place a few streets away from the backyard.

To their surprise, a few kittens came running out of the bushes when they arrived. The cat felt comfortable and safe around the couple and decided to bring them to her babies.

The couple fetched a carrier and took the entire family home that night.

“The cat mama was able to find refuge at the right place to save her little family,” the rescue shared.

They lovingly named her Calie and treated her for some stomach issues. Calie started putting on weight with good food and proper care, and was finally able to relax and purr.

Once the kittens were big enough to eat on their own, they became more independent and would venture out of their nest to play and zip around with each other.

Calie started having more me-time by the window and with her people. Two of the kittens quickly found their forever home when they were old enough for adoption.

Chatons Orphelins Montreal took the rest of the litter and Calie into their care to give them a better chance at finding good homes.

“Calie is very gentle and social. She loves a good cuddle session and is very affectionate towards people. She loves her new life in the confines of her home, and shows us gratitude every day.”

The sweet tortie will rub her face on her humans, soak up the love, and purr loudly for head scritches. She is playing like a kitten again, enjoys being the center of attention, and will never have to raise another litter.

“Whenever we enter the house, she comes running to greet us. She plays with cat toys and likes to lie on the ground especially in the sun.”

The kittens have grown in size and personality. They never run out of mischief and are constantly on the lookout for snuggles.

After wandering the streets for most of her life, Calie is reveling in the warmth and comfort of indoor life and can’t wait to find a place of her own for the holidays.

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