Lost Cat with Injured Tail Roams Helplessly Through Snow: A Heartrending Scene

on Sunday morning, as the snow fell heavily, I received a message about an injured cat struggling to crawl. Looking at the pictures of it made me feel heartbroken. The snow covered its body, cold and freezing. Its hands and feet were all wounded. The cat had been in the snow for so long that one of its legs and its tail had almost frozen into blocks of ice. Each small step it took seemed incredibly difficult and painful.

we quickly found it hiding under a tow truck. Perhaps this was the shelter it had found to escape the cold. The process of capturing it was relatively easy. This cat was truly adorable and friendly. It cried out desperately as soon as it saw us. With just a bowl of food, I gained its complete trust

Immediately, we took the cat to the hospital to find out what was happening. The veterinarian said that the cat was severely injured, possibly from a collision with a car. Neglected wounds had become infected and putrid over time. Some areas were even necrotic and ulcerated. But the cat still made great efforts to eat and drink. Perhaps it had a strong desire to live, despite life treating it harshly.

Furthermore, the cat was also facing anemia, abnormal liver function, and a weakened immune system. The cost for its treatment was estimated to be significant. It was given fluids and nutrients through intravenous therapy. It was also anesthetized and underwent surgery to remove the necrotic tissue in the afternoon. Waking up after the long operation, the cat seemed more comfortable and in less pain

Looking at the large wound on its back, I couldn’t help but shed tears. But I trusted in the expertise of the doctors, believing that the cat would soon recover.

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