Rescued and Revitalized: From Abandoned Kitten to Adorable Young Cat

Kitten Found Discarded Outside, Rebounds Through Kindness and Blooms into Beautiful Charming Young Cat

A kitten who was found discarded outside, rebounded through kindness and bloomed into a beautiful, charming young cat.

tiny calico kitten

Nadija @tiny.paws.fosters

Late last month, a calico kitten was discovered abandoned by a dumpster, in desperate need of rescue. A Good Samaritan scooped her up and brought her to safety.

At around 2.5 weeks old, the kitten required round-the-clock bottle feeding to ensure proper nourishment and development. She also needed a warm environment to help regulate her body temperature.

The finder tried to care for the kitten but had little success. Not being sufficiently equipped, they sought assistance from the animal rescue community.

tiny fluffy calico kitten

The calico was found abandoned by a dumpsterNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

Nadija who volunteers for AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue, learned about the plight of the kitten and stepped up to help.

She set out to collect the kitten that evening, only to encounter a frustrating car malfunction. “Thankfully, my friend came to the rescue, and we drove an hour each way to pick up this little kitten,” Nadija shared.

tiny calico kitten

She was taken to a foster home, all cleaned up and fedNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

After a long night, the little calico was ensconced in her comfortable, heated nest covered in soft blankets. She had snuggle plushies to keep her company and a foster mom to make sure that she was loved.

The kitten fell asleep with a full belly, curled up in a cocoon of warmth and contentment.

tiny fluffy calico kitten

After a long day, she fell soundly asleep in her warm bed with a full bellyNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

“She got a bath to clean up all the crustiness. She is a colorful, fuzzy and absolutely adorable seal – all belly with tiny legs and tiny ears.”

With proper nourishment and care, the kitten started to make steady gains.

sweet calico kitten fluffy

The kitten gained plenty of energy and a cute rotund bellyNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

The sweet calico was an excellent bottle baby. She never made a fuss during meal time, savoring each drop with a contented purr.

As the kitten nursed from the bottle, her body relaxed in her foster mom’s hand. She drank with gusto until her tummy was filled to the brim.

sleeping calico kitten

She took to her bottle like a champNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

Satiated by her meal, the calico rolled onto her back, wriggling gleefully and baring her plump and cuddly belly.

In less than two weeks, she began to show interest in eating from a dish, lapping up the grub, a mixture of formula and canned food, with fervor.

fluffy calico kitten

She liked to roll onto her back after each mealNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

With her newfound strength and unyielding curiosity, the kitten spent her days engaging in playful antics, filling the playpen with delight and laughter.

She pounced on toys that were the size of her body and tussled with them with playful ferocity.

sweet calico kitten bottle

With her newfound energy, she started to play with toysNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

The sweet calico has graduated from her bottle and is using her litter box like a champ.

She transforms her room into a playground, cavorting across the floor, leaping onto furniture, and burrowing under blankets with unbridled joy.

sweet calico kitten belly

She has blossomed into a happy, vivacious charmerNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

She has blossomed into a vivacious charmer, her big personality captivating hearts wherever she goes.

Despite a challenging start, the calico rebounded with nutritious food and tender loving care, and is now living each day to the fullest.

playful calico kitten toy

She’s ready to spend her first holidays in a loving homeNadija @tiny.paws.fosters

calico kitten blanket

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