Harrowing Rescue: Stray Cat Liberated from Glue Trap, Receives Urgent Care and Hope

A UK charity has called for people to stop using glue traps to catch rats after a stray cat had to be put down after he was found with four of them stuck to its legs and body.

The cat, who has since been named Miles by RSPCA staff, had a large infected wound on his leg, his tail was damaged and his hind legs were stuck together when he was discovered in north London last month.

Parts of the animal’s fur was also ripped off and it is thought he ingested some of the glue while trying to free himself.

RSPCA Inspector Nicole Broster said: “This poor cat was in an extreme amount of pain from his horrific injuries and he was very scared and frightened.

“This is the worst glue trap incident I have ever seen and dealt with.”

After being taken to the RSPCA Harmsworth Hospital to be treated, Mile’s condition tragically deteriorated significantly and he had to be put down.

Ms Broster added: “I find the use of glue traps horrendous and completely unnecessary.

“People sometimes use them to deal with problems caused by animals like rats and mice but they are cruel and cause awful suffering.

“Other animals and non-target species also become victims – in this case poor Miles.”

Glue traps are made of sheets of cardboard, plastic or wood coated with a non-drying adhesive.

The RSPCA says they should only be used by trained professionals.

Scientific officer for RSPCA, Evie Button, said: “We’re opposed to the manufacture, sale and use of all glue traps because they cause unacceptable suffering and are totally indiscriminate in what they catch, ensnaring wild animals like birds and even pets.

“Glue traps may seem like an effective way to catch rodents without killing them, but they come with very serious welfare issues and subject those animals unfortunate enough to get caught to horrific suffering.

“Even the way they’re designed to catch animals – by sticking their limbs to the board as they cross it – inflicts pain and distress.”

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