Adorable Cat Finds Shelter in Bucket During Rainstorm – Heartwarming Rescue Story

Life for a feral colony cat is one of hardship and requires extreme toughness. After a lifetime on the streets, they’ve learned the skills needed to make it. Skillfully making use of even the tiniest resource in their limited territory. Given all their experiences, they’re nothing like a pampered house cat who enjoys human contact.

But frequently, a cat found in a colony simply isn’t cut out for it. A former house cat ends up on the street and strays into a colony, where they stand out like a sore thumb. If a colony caretaker doesn’t spot them, chances are, nothing but hardships and tragedy will befall them too.

That’s the fate of a cat name Gracie, who endured “heart-wrenching trials” before a colony caretaker found her at her lowest point. It was just in time too!

Mama Cat Weathered a Storm Alone in a Bucket

Gracie’s rescue is a dramatic one but not uncommon. The fluffy grey kitty was never cut out for colony cat life. But things got much worse when she became pregnant. Already struggling, she gave birth to a litter of kittens, taking refuge in a Las Vegas backyard. Thankfully, someone spotted her, but it was too late to save them all.

A September storm came, and by the time help arrived, Gracie was all alone, hiding in a bucket from the rain.

AI illustration of Gracie in a bucket

AI illustration of Gracie in a bucket. Photoshop

Sadly, the mama’s kittens were gone. But at her lowest point, Gracie received a second chance.

Video by Heaven Can Wait Animal Society:

A Rainbow After the Storm

A TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) rescuer cared enough to catch Gracie, who proved to be “an absolute sweetheart who craves love and cuddles.” They brought her to a Community Cat Clinic, where she would get a brand new life, like a rainbow after the storm.

Gracie rubs on her rescuer’s legs at Heaven Can Wait Animal Society

Gracie rubs on her rescuer’s legs at Heaven Can Wait  Animal Society

As part of TNR, Gracie was spayed and vaccinated, never again to suffer losing kittens. But since she was exceptionally friendly, she won the jackpot, finding a place at Nevada’s** Rescued Treasures** Cat Café.

“Gracie is an absolute sweetheart who craves love and cuddles. 🥰 She was never suited for the tough life of a community cat. Thankfully, Amor Peludo and **PALNV **have stepped in to help her find a warm, dry home filled with love. 🙏” shared Heaven Can Wait.

Amor Peludo gives Gracie a kiss

The Biggest Gift Ever

After weathering so many trials, Gracie got a “Christmas miracle” while at the café. She recovered for several months and adjusted quickly to the VIP life. And during the holiday season, Gracie’s new mom, Darlene, adopted her.

“[Gracie]’s had a long road to her forever home. From a long treatment for ringworm and then and respiratory virus. But she is healthy and VERY HAPPY in her new home!” Darlene shared. “She is such a love, so talkative and a big eater! She stays by my side, currently laying next to me in my home office. We are already in love!”

Darlene’s pictures of Gracie at home, cat saved in a bucket during a rainstorm, Las Vegas, Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, 2

Darlene’s pictures of Gracie at home via Facebook.

To see Gracie now, you’d never guess she was once saved in a bucket during a rainstorm. Just look at her now!

Darlene’s pictures of Gracie at home, cat saved in a bucket during a rainstorm, Las Vegas, Heaven Can Wait Animal Society

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