Miami Rescuer’s Compassionate Quest: Saving Kittens from Unlikely Places

A Miami rescuer had a highly unusual and unexpected fishing expedition. It started when a kitten fell down a big open drain pipe and stayed there for 4 days. But then Jonathan, a rescuer from Miami Animal Rescue, arrived with fishing gear in his truck. And as it turned out, it was just the thing for the job!

When he got there, it was easy enough to access the large open pipe. You can see how dangerous it would be for any small animal to fall down such an open pipe; another reminder to contact a professional or authorities to cover such hazardous openings.

As we shared previously, open pipes and storm drains are always a hazard for kittens and even kids. But here’s a case where everything worked out thanks to some quick thinking and one large fish net of all things.

Kitten Rescued with a Fish Net

The kitten’s rescuer used a large piece of fish net to save him after four days of misery in the darkness.  The net was long enough to reach 15 feet straight down into the ground. In the coastal Miami area, such nets are everywhere thankfully! But most people would probably never think using one to catch a kitten! (see video below)

Jonathan puts a fish net down the open pipe in Miami, Miami Animal Rescue, 2

Jonathan inserts a fish net into the large open drain pipe in Miami. Images and media via TikTok/miamianimalrescue

Such a net wouldn’t work in a smaller pipe, but it was ideal for this large vertical pipe. However, there’s still some risk since a fearful kitten may see it coming, get scared, and then retreat and hide.

Jonathan puts a fish net down the open pipe in Miami, Miami Animal Rescue

Thank goodness this kitten clung to the netting, which made it possible to lift the little feline to freedom! Knowing the drenched kitten needed immediate medical care, Jonathan moved fast to get to the veterinarian. From there, the kitten hopefully joined one of hundreds of other rescues in the area looking for a safe, warm, and loving home.  

Kitten clings to fish net and is freed from 15 feet down an open pipe in Miami, Florida, 1

As you can see, the little one’s claws were caught in the netting which helped on the trip back up to the world of the living.

Kitten clings to fish net and is freed from 15 feet down an open pipe in Miami, Florida, 3

Unfortunately, rescues like this one are common when it comes to kittens, pipes, and sewer systems. But whenever there’s a kitten in distress, heroic people are often willing to go to great lengths to save them, even crawling deep through sewers if necessary. Sometimes, whole communities come together to save one kitten, which is so heartwarming to see.

As noted, hundreds of kittens just like this one need rescue on a daily basis. Miami Animal Rescue recently estimated each will cost a minimum of $300 to $700 to provide the veterinary care they need. But in situations like this one, the price for survival can quickly go much higher. Yet, the average adoption fee is vastly less, generally around $175. Thus, it’s only possible to keep rescuing with support and donations and that adoption fee is extremely reasonable.

There are many ways to help, which you can see on the Miami Animal Rescue website, Facebook, and Instagram.

Kitten clings to fish net and is freed from 15 feet down an open pipe in Miami, Florida, 2

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