Helpless and Drenched: Rescuing a Lost Cat in Distress from the Rain

This little kitten was rescued by us after the rain. Perhaps it was a stray kitten abandoned by its mother. The kitten is very small, about a few months old. Its whole body trembles from the cold. Its fur is covered in mud and dirt. What’s more, its claws are long and sharp, causing it to accidentally scratch itself, and even drawing blood from me.

The cat has been silent ever since I caught it. It is so frightened that it cannot utter a word. It can only open its deep blue eyes and look at us with a timid gaze. This little cat has probably never been treated well. It cannot contain its own trembling.

However, it behaves very well when we trim its nails comfortably. Afterwards, I take the animal to bathe under warm water. All the dirt and debris on its body are washed away. I pick out stubborn fleas clinging to its fur with my hands. Finally, the little cat stops trembling in fear.

It lets out a voice as if expressing gratitude towards us. I also apply some herbal ointment to remove the fleas and treat the wounds on its skin. At last, the kitten enjoys its first meal in its new home. From now on, the rescue team will become its family and this place will be its safe haven.

It will always be cared for and comfortable living here.

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