On July 22, 1974, a bizarre incident occurred in Yalta, near the Lograph Ridge in Ukraine. About 60 people in the area heard a loud bang in the middle of the day. It was reported that a disc-shaped object crashed into the mountain, and the noise spread across the outskirts. After a few seconds, the UFO rose into the sky and disappeared from sight as if nothing had happened. Later on-site research discovered a strange substance, which suggested that it could be an alien object.

The Lograph Ridge is a southern escapement of the Yalta Massif, where several tourist groups were in the mountains at that time. They all reported seeing the same thing, the disc-shaped object crashing into the mountain. Researchers, ufologists, and police were interested in the incident.

Officials established that no private jet or other aircraft had crashed in the mountains, and nothing unusual was found at the site of the alleged UFO crash. However, enthusiasts and ufologists discovered small particles of whitish paint, suggesting a collision had occurred. About two dozen samples of this substance were collected, and investigations found that this paint had incredible properties, such as a combustion temperature of about 2500 degrees. The paint had a complex composition containing 48 different chemical elements and minerals, which surprised researchers. It is still unclear if the substance was paint from a UFO or simply a substance from which the flying apparatus of an extraterrestrial civilization was created.

Since the pre-war years, the Lograph Ridge has been attracting attention due to incomprehensible VI calls that flew in the area. Today, the registration of UFOs in this region is approximately 12 to 15 per calendar year, making it one of the most popular UFO hotspots. Researchers and UFO believers hypothesize that an alien base might be present under the ridge, but it is yet to be proven. The 1974 incident is considered one of the most provable since physical samples of extraterrestrial origin were obtained. The regular arrival of unidentified flying objects in this region remains a mystery, and researchers and enthusiasts continue to explore the area to uncover its secrets.

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