Aliens Recovered From Crashed UFOs Filmed and Tell What Extraterrestrials Wants (Video)

Everybody knows what happened on 9/11. But do you know what happened two days before? Supposedly, on 9/9 a group of Aliens came to Earth from the future to collect evidence from our planet.

The video you are about to see has been classified as top secret, and we can only have access to it because former president Jimmy Carter leaked it.

Some of these sightings left not only thousands of witnesses but also lots of physical evidence. Usually, men in black come and confiscate any parts they could find in order to keep them secret.

Many more UFO crashes like the one in Colorado were filmed and showed Grey alien humanoids. According to conspirators, Greys came from the future to observe our evolution and collect evidence.

In other words, grey aliens are future versions of ourselves, in contrast with Reptilians who are past versions of ourselves. How about that?

Many aliens survived the spaceship crash and they were forced to withdraw until they were rescued by their fellow greys or by the men in black, as there is an agreement between Greys and the Us government to return any captured grey and keep their presence in secret.

Men in black usually eliminate evidence by wiping the memory of the witnesses. But the question is if greys are so advances, how is it that their spaceships crash? Well, that’s because their machinery is designed to travel across time, not across space.


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