Ancient Aliens: Time-Traveling UFO Crashes in England (Video)

The Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk county, UK, is famous for being the location of one of the most extraordinary UFO interactions ever recorded. Some people believe that this incident is related to time travel. The event occurred on December 26, 1980, when pilot John Burroughs was conducting a routine security check at a US airbase. He received an order to investigate a possible downed aircraft.

Ancient Aliens: Encoded Messages Revealed in Crystal Skulls (Season 6) |  History - YouTube

While driving to the east gate to investigate, he and his group suddenly encountered strange lights inside the forest. They decided to send one of the security units down there to investigate. Sergeant Kevin Conde, who participated in the investigation, said that these lights were extremely unusual and created a strange sensation for everyone.

“We couldn’t explain this feeling in words, but there was a feeling like an electric current running over our skin and hair,” Sergeant Conde recounted. “This became increasingly worse as we approached the line of trees. The air had a strange feeling, and it seemed like there was an electrified atmosphere.”

Ancient Aliens: Time-Traveling UFO Crashes in England (Season 18) - YouTube

As they approached the lights, those points seemed to slow down, creating a strange effect. Sergeant Adrian Bustinza, who also participated in the investigation, said he saw a large triangular ship parked on the other side of the trees.

“This incident is unbelievable. These objects move very quickly and can move from one place to another in the blink of an eye,” Sergeant Bustinza shared.


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