Ukrainian Engineer Claim He Was Abducted by a Beautiful Extraterrestrial

The following story was written by a Ukrainian engineer who claimed to have been kidnapped by a stunning alien in 1989. It all began when he was…

Colossal UFO Recorded on ISS Live Feed Hoovering At 250 Miles Altitude

In case you didn’t know already, NASA has its own YouTube channel on which they have a constant live broadcast of the International Space Station’s live feed….

Astronaut Sent Back to Earth Strange Images With a Huge Bright UFO

Born on June 10, 1929, Major James McDivitt is not an ordinary conspiracy theorist. He has served on a number of NASA projects, most prominently the incredible…

Yesterday 2 Mysterious UFOs Wrapped Up Over Hertfordshire England Then Disappeared In The Space (Video)

Here’s sυch a brilliaпt UFO sightiпg over Hertfordshire Eпglaпd UK that completely vaпishes at the eпd. The videos a short oпe bυt it’s to the poiпt. Here’s…

The rare moment when the legendary white dragon appeared mysteriously in Malaysia (VIDEO)

Αccordiпg to rυmors, this white dragoп died after 8 shots by a farmer пamed Booп Chiп Yo. The white dragoп is a mythical creatυre, a symbol of…

UFO With A Green Laser Shoots Across The City (video)

Straight out of a Sci-fi movie with popcorn jammed in it’s mouth is this drone type craft hovering and flying over Milton Keynes in the UK. Hold…

Grey Alien Recorded by CCTV in the United States (Video)

The photos we’re showing you were taken by a surveillance camera inside a building in the United States and were disseminated by ufologist Rodrigo Giraldo. They depict…

Astonishing footage captures bizarre diamond-shaped ‘UFO’ swallowing another unidentified flying object in the night sky (Video)

The strange video, seeming to show a mysterious unidentified flying object full of lights in the night sky, has emerged in media circles in Yakutia, the largest…

Verified Genuiпe Video Shows A Real Flying Saucer Taking Off

A video showing a flying saucer taking off from the ground is said to be a verified genuine one. It was reportedly a former top-secret US military…

A Portal To Another Dimension Is Being Opened In The Sky Over Canada By Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).

Home UFO A Portal To Another Dimension Is Being Opened In The Sky Over Canada By Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). A Portal To Another Dimension Is Being Opened In…