Awakening from a 12-Year Coma: A Remarkable Journey of Revelation


He was caught with that disorder that makes him sleep.

He has been sleeping for a period of 13 years.

We thought he died.

He could not do anything, but a miracle happened and he woke up and said one thing i’ve seen God’s hand then slept.

No one is without troubles, without personal hardships and genuine challenges.

The fact may not be obvious, because most people don’t talk their walls and headaches, but nobody, not even the purest heart, escapes life without suffering the battle.

Scars, fire tests, gold suffering, test.

Brave men.

This child was born normal but later had a certain disorder.

This child’s body organs no longer function at all.

He has never spoke a single word.

He has not walked a single distance.

He doesn’t talk.

He has been only sleeping almost his entire life.

You just have to do everything for him.

What he can only do is breathing.

It all started when he had one year and six months.

By then, he would be scared and scream more often whenever i opened the door.

He started not taking breast milk.

The child’s body organs don’t function at all.

When i saw this, i was completely shocked and i went on to ask the elder people and the neighbors about this disorder, but they also did not know anything about it.

So i took the decision to take him to the hospital, went to different possible hospitals, but this issue remained a mystery, from villages to towns, from public to private hospitals.

But the rare condition kept remaining unsolved and by when he had four years he came back to normal a little bit.

He started living normally as anyone else, and it was a bit costly.

Every day we had to pay a hundred dollars, so you can imagine in four years how much was spent.

I had spent each and everything.

Had i sold Carl’s piece of land to gather funds for his medical services, doctors by then would at least help him work and do other few things, and i ended up running out of money and my son’s organs could start stopping to function.

So i decided to sell most of my property so that i would save my son’s soul.

Later neighbors stopped me from selling my properties.

They advised to stop insisting that and reminded me that i have other children to raise.

If my son would die, let him die without spending almost everything they say.

That was when i had the idea to sell this remaining house.

There are some medicine i would give my son, but later other doctors confirmed that my son needs a surgery to be fulfilled.

They added that giving him those medicine i could give him was poisoning him.

I could do everything and i would do anything for my son to get held.

I run to all traditional doctors here and there, but still i got no result.

Those people lied to me.

As days passes, this condition that my son has keeps on becoming worse.

Day to day.

The sickness goes on increasing its level.

I have suffered a lot- if you see what i went through- because of this condition of my boy, it’s mind-blowing.

I request people to turn up and support me so that my son will get held.

It can put an end to tears me and him or his shed if that happens, even if i die, he can then take care of himself.

He would know how to take himself to the toilet and stop rotting from one place.

Mom, be strong, your son will be okay.

Trust me, after a certain period of time, a miracle will happen and we will nest something powerful together.

Be strong as a result.

It’s painful.

We, as a group of these people, after hearing about this sad news, we decided to help him, though because of covert restrictions- mainly the travel ban- were not able to reach here.

But there is how we thought of this mother and organized her a gift that may allow her to go to the hospital, and we urge a friend to also lend a hand.

Keep being strong.

We believe that God can do everything.

It’s our boy.

He finally woke up.

A miracle unfolds before our own eyes.

He tried to say and said one word.

He has seen the right hand of God then slept, but from there he’s not always asleep as before.

He’s a cheerful boy, despite the health condition.

Nowadays i take my boys to the hospital for daily checkup.

We were given a temporary stay at their friend’s house so that we would be able to reach


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