Bengali Beauty Spotlight: Meet Nissa, Whose Mesmerizing Blue Eyes Will Take Your Breath Away

“Beautiful Nisha! Mommy always wanted to have a black bengal with blue eyes and it looks like her dream might come true. Nisha‘s fur is very dark brown but looks more black, due to winter. Nisha is a very dark snow bengal and Mommy loves it! ” Her owner said

Some Nisha‘s best of last snow weekend! Nisha really likes the snow, but also wants ‚home‘ after some time. She‘s a real snow bengal, our darkest one.

Some attention for beautiful Nisha, our quiet girl. 🖤🤎🩵🩵🤎🖤 Here she is in her snow igloo. ❄️ Nisha is totally independent and never needs or wants anything, the total opposite of the other girls in the household. Plus Nisha always likes everything clean and she loves girly stuff. Mommy fell so much in love with her nose, when she first saw her! 🖤 That her eyes turned out soo blue, was just the jackpot! 🩵🩵 And did you know that Nisha is a so called snow bengal?


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