Beyond Words: Freya the Fluff and the Adorable Magic of Kitty Captivation

I’ve always had a thing for calico cats. Their patched multi-colored coats are always unique, and it’s hard not to fall in love with them on sight. For one rescued kitten once named Matilda, she stole her human’s heart at first glance. As we know, sometimes we will see a kitten or cat online and instantly feel a connection to this little kitty cat that tugs at our heartstrings.

Being as beautiful as she is, with lots of irresistible fluff and cool calico markings, her now owner thought there was no way she would still be available for adoption—spoiler alert—she was! And, as they say, the rest is history! So, everyone meet Freya the Fluff!

She was introduced on Instagram earlier this year, with her cat mama stating that,

We adopted this little ball of fluff on January 12th. We drove almost two hours to get her. She was super good on the way home, didn’t even make a peep! This little girl is super brave, loves people and exploring. She was found climbing someone’s window screen, and was brought into a rescue at 8 weeks old. When I saw this little orange face kitty on Petfinder I just fell in love!

How did Freya come into your life?How did Freya get her name?What is her personality like?What are her favorite hobbies?Does she have any cat or dog housemates at home?What’s something special you’d like for people to know about Freya?

How did Freya come into your life?

I was wanting to get a kitten for a few months and was always looking online. I came across Freya with her little orange face and fell in love. I sent her to my Fiancé and he was also super interested! I knew Freya was just at an adoption event so I thought she would have a ton of applications, and there was no way we would get her but we did! She was just meant to be!

How did Freya get her name?

Freya’s rescue name was Matilda and I knew we weren’t going to keep that name. I had a few days after our application got accepted before we got her. So I started thinking of names, at first I was set on Aelin. But after we got her it just didn’t fit! My Fiancé suggested Freya who is a character from one of my favorite shows The Originals. So I tried it out, I called her Freya and she turnedaound and did the tiniest meow.

Freya is the bravest little kitten I have ever met! She is confident and bold. She is also a sweetheart and loves people. She loves to be held and will follow you around the house to watch what you are doing.

What are her favorite hobbies?

She loves sitting in the window and watching all of the birds and squirrels in the yard. She loves to learn, so far she knows sit! We are working on down and to go into her backpack. She also loves to play!

Does she have any cat or dog housemates at home?

Freya has a 10-year-old doggo brother named Kayden. She also has a kitty friend named Dior!

What’s something special you’d like for people to know about Freya?

Freya is truly the sweetest cat I’ve ever met! She just loves people, anyone who meets just loves her. When she meets new people she will come right up to you and lean on you for pets!


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