Diddy’s Friend EXPOSES Beyonce | Beyonce Is Stealing & Lying

The record is one of y’all faves.

The song was written six years before it got to Beyonce.

She got 25% of the song.

I will say again: there is no such thing as an ethical billionaire.

Billionaires only exist because they exploit and underpay their workers.

All right, y’all buckle up, because Songwriter and Cassie’s friend Tiffany red is back, and this time she’s coming after queen Bee herself.

After recently backing up Cassie’s claims against Diddy, Tiffany is now spilling the tea on Beyonce and calling her out for supposedly taking writing and Publishing credits on songs that were handed to her.

This drama unfolded when Jay-Z recently took the stage at the Grammy Awards and threw some serious shade at the recording Academy for snubbing Beyonce in the album of the Year category.

Tiffany didn’t waste any time and decided to shine a light on what she believes is some shady business on Beyonce’s part.

According to Tiffany, queen bee doesn’t deserve that album of the Year award because she’s allegedly been swiping songs from other writers, taking credit for songs she didn’t actually right and wait for it.

She’s apparently been silencing anyone who tries to expose her.

So as the dust settles from the Grammy Awards drama, Tiffany is on a mission to spill all the tea on Beyonce’s alleged Antics.

It seems like she’s not holding back.

So let’s Dive Right into all the juicy details.

Beyonce was on on tour last year with that record, with that person’s vocals, all that.

So you might remember hearing Tiffany Red’s name a few months ago, when she wrote this open letter to Rolling Stone, spilling the tea on Diddy and backing Cassie’s allegations.

But we’re not here to talk about Diddy this time, because Tiffany is now on a mission to expose other big names in the industry and guess who’s next?

Queen Bee herself.

So to give you some context first, Tiffany is not just some random person who woke up and decided to hate on Beond D. She’s actually a Grammy award-winning writer with nearly two decades of experience in the music industry.

Tiffany wrote hits for the likes of Zenda, Jason Derulo and Cassie, and she has an impressive track record in the industry.

Her talents earned her a Grammy award in 2009 for her work on Jennifer Hudson’s self-titled album, which took home the best R&B album of the year.

But despite all her success, Tiffany made a decision to distance herself from the music scene.

And recently Tiffany has been making headlines not just for her musical achievements but for exposing what she claims are shady practices in the industry.

So, in light of the recent Grammy controversy over the best album of the Year category and Jay-Z’s bizarre speech about how his wife doesn’t have enough Awards, Tiffany said enough is enough and fired back on Ig by posting a clip of Jay’s speech alongside a caption that read: maybe Beyonce will win the Grammy for album of the year when she starts paying songwriters and stops taking publishing from them.

I hear it’s around 15 to 30%, by the way, gmys don’t pay the bills.

And then Tiffany shared a post with a screenshot of a text message exchange where one songwriter told her Beyonce and Usher take up to 30% of publishing rights, all while not lifting a finger to contribute to the songwriting process.

The songwriter wrote.

I was told when I first worked for her it’s 30% off top

And she’s taking production.

Usher is 25% off top.

Tiffany went off on Beyonce and Usher in the caption, saying neither of Yall do these projects alone.

There’s so many creatives involved and you both are massive artists.

Why are you taking the only thing the writers make any money off of?

Why are the teams behind you facilitating this?

It’s wrong.

Most people are terrified to say either of your names, and it’s heartbreaking.

People should not be afraid to stand up for themselves out of fear of being cancelled by y’all.

That’s a of power.

It’s wrong and I can’t stand by and watch any longer.

But y’all, Tiffany didn’t stop there.

She later went live on Instagram to explain why she walked away from the industry and why Beyonce doesn’t deserve of all the praise and adoration she gets.

Tiffany started off by saying she now runs a nonprofit and advocates for songwriters rights because she witnessed firsthand how songwriters are exploited.

She then went on to say that she’s not trying to defame anyone, claiming she has the receipts to back up all her allegations about Beyonce.

Um, so I’m not up on the Internet just talking and, like you know, making things up.

I’m not stupid, I ain’t trying to get sued.

That’s called defam.

I am not defaming anybody.

I am, um, coming to y’all with things that I can back up.

I don’t never get on this platform and talk about.

I don’t know I be having.

You see this, you see this thing.

I am organized, honey.

Okay, y’all might not think that, because you watch me on the internet and you don’t know me like that for real.

You only know the front-facing Tiffany red, but, like I, got a brain.

So, according to Tiffany, for almost every song she wrote.

The artist ended up taking a percentage of the publishing rights, even though they weren’t even present in the room, When Tiffany wrote it.

Almost every artist that I have ever written for has gotten publishing on the record.

Almost every record that I have done I have written when the artist was not in the room.

I’ll go through my own songs replay.

Zinda got 10% of the publishing.

I think she did not write on the song, she didn’t.

That song was written at a Rihanna song Camp.

It was on hold for Rihanna.

Then it was on hold, for Rita Ora, famous, came to me and said: Yo Tiff, there’s this artist named Zena.

We should cut replay on her.

So Zen got published in a writer credit.

She did not write on replay um King by Tamar Braxton.

I wrote and produced that song.

I wrote that song for myself as an artist in my living room.

In my living room, Tamar got, I don’t know, I don’t know what she ended up getting.

I think I own like 85% of that song, but I should own all of it because I did all of it.

She didn’t write S streer, who’s a songwriter?

This one really hurt my heart.

Seven streer, just being honest, and Monor did that song it was originally called.

I wrote that song by myself.

I’m not even really a big co-writer like that.

I prefer writing songs by myself because, I don’t know, I just prefer to write like that.

So I have a lot of records that I have placed that either have one co-writer on or that I’ve written solo Doo.

Right, seven ended up with 10% of that record.

I fought like hell for her to not have any of the publishing, cuz she didn’t write anything on it.

Publishing is my only source of income.

And when Tiffany moved on to the topic of Beyonce, pointing out that if Beyonce actually cared about the art, she could easily change how the industry works, but she’s not going to do that because she herself is allegedly stealing from real songwriters- is because there is a precedent that’s set.

The reason why I called out Beyonce is because Beyonce is the Michael Jackson of Our Generation, and so if there’s anybody that could reshape the precedent, if there’s anybody that could influen the industry that had the power and the money and the cultural like thing to say: you know what y you’re right.

These songwriters have been out here.

We’ve been in the street.

Literally I have been in the street in front of Spotify.

I’ve been in front of universal, I have sat and I have talked to all y’all Publishers.

I talk to y’all Publishers.

I talk to the dsps, I talk to the copyright royalty- uh, the copyright, the Us copyright office.

I talked to nmpa, I talked to Raa, I talked to Sona, I talked to Nsai.

I talked to all of them.

And guess what y’all are still broke.

Tiffany then revealed she recently had a conversation with a person who manages one of the many Renaissance songwriters, and this person told her that one of the hit songs from the album was written 6 years before Beyonce snatched it for herself and, despite not being involved in the writing at all, Beyonce got 25% of the publishing rights.

I talked to somebody yesterday, somebody’s a, a manager of somebody who is a writer and producer on Renaissance.

Okay, the record is one of y’all faves.

The song was written six years before it got to Beyonce.

She got 25% of the song.

But that’s not all.

Tiffany also spoke to another writer who wrote and sang on one of Beyonce’s hit singles, and this writer reportedly still hasn’t been paid or credited properly.

I’ve talked to another, another writer who wrote and sang on one of your favorite songs.

Credit not right.

All kind of up.

His business still isn’t handled.

Beyonce was on tour last year with that record, with that person’s vocals, all that now.

If y’all are wondering why none of these songwriters spoke out publicly against the self-proclaimed Queen, well, according to Tiffany, that’s because Beyonce silences them with Ndas.

And here’s the thing.

The reason why people who work for Beyonce don’t talk is because they’re all on Ndas, because that’s also how she works.

She silences people so that nobody can speak.

And Tiffany said this is precisely the reason she’s never wanted to work for Beyonce and allow her to blatantly steal.

I’m not a writer.

That’s written for Beyonce.

I haven’t.

I haven’t at Beyonce, cuz I don’t.

I’m not willing to give her any publishing, not cuz I haven’t had the opportunity.

I’ve had the opportunity to work with everybody and I’ve turned down a lot of stuff, because I’m not willing to play these games.

As for people saying that songwriters should negotiate for better conditions, Tiffany explained it doesn’t work like that in the real world because the power dynamics are skewed from the start.

There’s a massive power Dynamic happening.

Please don’t act like it’s easy to negot iate with Beyonce and her team, because it is not.

If it was that, if that was the case, there would not be so many people coming to me like Tiff.

This is how much was taken.

It’s not negotiable, it’s not so.

Basically, the songwriters are being treated appallingly and they don’t have the leverage to change anything.

The only one who could make a meaningful difference is Beyonce herself, and if she wanted to, she could single-handedly change how the music industry operates.

When it comes to crediting songwriters, okay, cool, then we work for You, Beyonce, so that means you’re an employer.

But either way, to imply that the artists do not have to be responsible for the business practices that they exercise with songwriters, to to to insinuate that the only way you are treated fairly is if you are managed by one of The Gatekeepers, is bull.

But I hope you’ve learned by now that there’s no such thing as ethical billionaire.

No one can earn a billion dollars through hard work alone.

It’s literally impossible.

You can only accumulate that much money if you exploit and appropriate other people’s labor, and that goes for every industry, not just the music business.

Honey, you shouldn’t have to be in company with a gatekeeper to be treated fairly.

You should not have to have a gatekeeper on your team to make a livable wage off of music.

That is making people billionaires them.

Grammys don’t pay the bills.

Those Plaes do not pay the bills.

There are people with Grammys and plaques who can’t pay their rent.

I know people who are super accredited.


Tiffany also encouraged other songwriters, especially those who worked for Beyonce, to stand up and speak out, because as long as she’s allowed to use intimidation tactics to silence people, nothing will change.

I remember having a conversation with a writer who wrote on what was the record Beyonce did after or before Renaissance.

I can’t remember whatever the record was.

I remember talking to one of the writers and talking to them about how much of the publishing she was taking.

And this writer was like: look, tip I, I don’t want no smoke with be like.

I just let her take the publishing.

That’s bull.

All these writers that you guys see celebrating in a studio with these artists posted up in pictures like: yeah, everything is all good.

Those writers are being exploited.

Those writers time is not paid for, their services are not paid for, their contribution to the to the sound recording is not paid for their the, the um, their first use of the copyright is not paid for.

Their parking is not paid for that lunch is not paid for.

Now, another group of people who need to stand up and wake up are the fans, because the way some of y’all worship this woman, or any celebrity for that matter, is honestly embarrassing.

They’re tripping, and you’re tripping if you, with them, there’s people that are like.

Then nobody had no to your head.

The to your head is the power Dynamic.

Think critically, y’all, and you know the thing that the thing that burns me up the most about Beyonce- and this is why I’m speaking about her specifically- is because Beyonce is Queen Bee.

Beyonce is a black artist.

Beyonce represents black, excellent black, black Excellence, Beyonce’s team.

Like the people who work with her, these writers that I’m talking about that are exploited, are they’re us?

So if you’re black, you’re usually put in R&B and hip-hop with artists that are black creatives, that are black Executives, that are black, and you know what your people do to you, the same thing that white do to you, and we pedestal them like goals.

That is not goals.

Capitalism is not goals is not cute.

Anyway, I’m so glad Tiffany decided to speak on this, and hopefully it will encourage other creatives across different Industries to stand up for themselves and speak out against these exploiters.

And I’m begging y’all: stop worshiping billionaires.

It’s 24.

Come on.

Luckily, it looks like a lot of people are waking up and they’re saying it’s time to see Beyonce, for who she really is.

One fan commented she’s Beyonce who’s going to check her.

This is exactly why her behavior is the way it is.

Beyonce needs a whole Humble Pie and another one added.

Herman and Jay-Z have a major God complex and the way their fans and the rest of Hollywood Feed into it is so sick.

But let me know how y’all feel about this situation and everything Tiffany said about Beyonce.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and then check out this next video.

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