Dogs thank the people who saved their lives – Close relationship between humans and animals

The life of puppies on the street is always too hard and desperate. Unfortunately, in the months of the pandemic, statistics have shown that homelessness has increased dramatically.


Recoverers and volunteers around the world are working tirelessly to give dogs with painful pasts a second chance . One of the most admirable cases is that of a dog named Amira.


The dog was born with a congenital problem and was missing both of her front legs. Investigators found her in such a serious condition that they claimed she had spent her entire life on the streets of Thailand.


He had serious injuries that showed that he had had to know the worst of humans . Fortunately, a volunteer took her into her care and brought her to the Soi Dog Foundation.


Everyone who met her was shocked. Despite being bone-deep and completely covered in wonder, she showed that she really wanted to move forward. She had had several litters and without help it was possible that she simply wouldn’t want to .


The beautiful girl allowed herself to be cared for with great patience and gave grateful glances to all her  doctors.

Rescuers are determined to give Amira everything she needs to recover. She will need a lot of help and medical treatment because she has proven that she is a fighter.


He still has a lot of difficulty getting around and getting from one place to another. However, vets are hopeful that she will regain a little more strength and be able to use a wheelchair to help her move more freely.


Puppies like Amira often have difficulty finding a long-term home. The beautiful girl is elderly and will need  specialized medical care.


However, he has already gone through so many injustices on the street that the only thing he deserves is to know the love and tranquility of a home. In the event that he does not find a family , the foundation’s rescuers assured that they will be responsible for his well-being.

We cannot imagine the endless nightmares that this beautiful girl had to face on the streets. Fortunately, all that is a thing of the past and Amira is in the best possible hands. Stray dogs deserve a second chance.

A lot of pain and hardship is something no puppy has to go through. Share this story to promote the adoption of special puppies like Amira.

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