Foster Kitty Finds A Dream Home With Her Very Own Cactus-Themed Cat Tree

My heart aches for every foster kitty who, for whatever reason, simply can’t seem to find her forever home. Fortunately, we always manage to stumble upon stories about certain lucky felines who do eventually get their happy ending.

Like the story we have today! Meet Purscilla, a beautiful tabby feline with mesmerizing emerald eyes and an incredibly loving and playful nature.

Purscilla has been in foster care in Palm Beach County, Florida, for months, patiently waiting for a special someone to give her a furever home.

However, long before she met her foster mom, Purscilla used to live on the street having to fend for herself.

At one point, she even had a litter of kittens to take care of. With countless dangers lurking from every corner, Purscilla’s days were a never-ending nightmare.

One day, good-hearted people found her and decided to take her in. They offered a roof over her head and a loving home where she could finally rest and enjoy the beauty of indoor life.

Unfortunately, last winter, Purscilla’s family got evicted from their family home, which forced them to make a very difficult decision and leave their beloved kitty to a foster momma named Kelly.

That sudden change disrupted Purscilla’s sense of safety and awakened old fears and traumas. So, by the time she came to Kelly, she was once again an extremely skittish and frightened cat.

Her foster mom, Kelly, said:

“She was found on the street having just nursed a litter (way before she came to me), and then her family was evicted. She was absolutely petrified and, as you can see, contorted under the couch to hide when people were around.” 

Since she was an experienced foster parent, Kelly knew exactly what to do. She gave Purscilla her much-needed space and privacy and was so incredibly patient with her.

By doing so, Kelly gained Priscilla’s trust and soon saw her affectionate, playful, and cuddly nature emerging from her previous scared and solitary demeanor.

“She’s a gorgeous girl with such a fun personality! Very playful and affectionate, she is shy at first, but once she trusts you, she’s all over you!”

In her foster home, Purscilla developed an interesting fascination with cacti. Kelly often finds her sniffing around and peeking behind her spiky houseplants.

Kelly also has a cactus-themed cat tree in her home, which Purscilla loves to climb. I guess they both share a love for cacti. Well, you know how the saying goes, “Like (foster) mother like daughter!” 

Every day, Purscilla stretches around her cacti tree and does numerous silly stunts. Then she climbs on top of it, where she makes herself comfortable and proceeds to look down upon everyone with her mesmerizing green eyes.

Because of this, she’s even earned the nickname “Purscilla, Queen of the Desert.”

And when she’s not climbing her favorite tree, Purscilla is peeking out of various weird places in Kelly’s home, lurking from their shadows.

Purscilla is truly an amazing and playful feline, no matter if she’s on top of a cat tree or on the ground. She is also so full of love, and not to mention breathtakingly gorgeous.

No wonder she managed to find her forever home! All the struggles and the wait finally paid off!

Apart from Purscilla, Kelly has many other equally adorable foster babies. If you know someone with an amazing catio and various cat accessories, please share Kelly’s Fosters web page with them.

Who knows, maybe someone will fall head over heels for some of Kelly’s foster pets and decide to adopt them. Everyone deserves a forever home, don’t you agree?

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