From Rare Bone Condition to Revered Deity: A Village’s Extraordinary Story

Bharat Tiwari, from Madhya Pradesh, India, suffers from a rare condition that has not yet been diagnosed by doctors. Residents in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, respect all the 53-year-old, while he himself describes his condition as something that came from God and that he does not feel sad at al

“I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been like this since childhood, after an illness fell upon me when I was five years old. My parents tried to cure me with all kinds of treatments, but nothing worked. . I believe in God and I know that everything comes from him. This is also from God and it shouldn’t make me sad or depressed. I don’t have a disease, I’m not sad so it’s not a problem.” he says.

Bharat further said that even people who come from different villages to see him out of curiosity respect him and even give him money.

“No one makes me feel bad, everyone respects me and I bless them. All this is very important to me. I have not encountered any problems with my condition. I always find ways to take care of myself “I travel like normal people and I can travel anywhere without any problem. Also I am able to do daily chores like wash my clothes and go to the market by myself,” he adds in the confession.

Temple owner Sadhavi Pragya said, “People here do not make fun of him, they greet him and think of him as a respected figure in the community and a messenger of God. Tiwari does not take any help in any form. He is proud of himself.” and does his own work.”

The local doctor, Dr JK Narula, has been taking care of Tiwari for the past seven years and believes it is too late to start treating his condition now. No one in his family knows anything about this disease. “Because of his age, I don’t think there is any chance of him getting better, but any further deterioration can be avoided and cured.”

Bharat himself said: “I am happy that because of this condition people come to see me, and I am happy to bless them”


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