Guiding a Child’s Journey with Birth Defects: Expert Tips and Resources for Families ‎

Reporter Park Soo-eun = A woman who revealed a happy daily life like any other family with her son who has a facial deformity due to a congenital disease.

However, demons wearing human masks poured out unspeakable malicious comments to her, who did not give up on giving birth to a child who was feared to be born with a facial deformity.

On the 23rd (local time), the Vietnamese media outlet ‘afamily’ reported the story of a baby born with a cleft lip and palate and his parents.

Amy Ward (24), who lives in Illinois, USA, first found out that she was pregnant in April last year. She says, however, that her previous miscarriage experience made her feel fearful and anxious.

That’s why Amy and her husband went through the initial examination even more diligently. She said she was relieved to hear that her baby had settled down safely after her 9-week check-up.

Unfortunately, that relief didn’t last long. A couple who stopped by the hospital to find out the gender of their child at the 16-week checkup received shocking news.

Amy was diagnosed with amniotic band syndrome and was told that the fetus would have cleft lip and palate symptoms.

Amniotic band syndrome is associated with birth defects, and occurs when certain parts of the fetus’ body become caught in the fibers, restricting growth. This syndrome affects the arms, legs, fingers, and toes of the fetus.

When Amy returned home, she burst into tears that she had been holding back at the hospital. In addition to what her doctor said, she looked it up on the internet and couldn’t help but become more frustrated with herself and her unborn baby’s condition.

However, the couple did not give up on the child, and on January 31st of this year, their lovely son Elijah was born.

As expected, Ilya was born with the toes on his left foot and the fingertips on his right hand fused together, and with a cleft lip and palate on his face. And he had severe microphthalmia, in which his right eye was smaller than normal and did not respond well to light.

Since it was a precious child they gave birth to without giving up, the couple spent happy days raising it with great love. In the happy daily life photos of the family of three, Ilya was always bright and lovely.

However, there were some senseless people who made malicious comments to the parents of a child who was only 7 months old, asking, “Why didn’t you get an abortion?”

Amy expressed her upset about the malicious comments made by people, including her acquaintances, saying, “Every time I read comments like this, I feel really sad that the world is still like this.”

He then expressed his affection and pride for his adorable son, Ilya, saying, “Illya is a miracle child. He brightens up every space and always makes me smile.”

Elijah is scheduled to undergo three surgeries over the next nine months, including surgery to close all open gaps and eyelid surgery.

Meanwhile, when the roof of the mouth is open so that the nose and mouth can communicate, it is called a cleft palate, and when the upper lip is split, it is called a cleft lip.

Cleft lip and palate are relatively common fetal anomalies with an incidence of approximately 1.5 cases per 1,000.

It is the most common congenital malformation of the head and neck (head and neck) and the fourth most common congenital malformation of the entire body. 



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