Incredible Journey of a Man with an Enormous Leg That Inspires Awe

The Harrowing Tale of a 25-Year Struggle: Man Abandoned Due to Enormous Leg Tumor, Igniting Speculation of Witchcraft and Divine Punishment


It appears that you’re asking about the societal treatment of a man named Mashaka Qasim and how he manages to make a living. Unfortunately, the provided text doesn’t elaborate on the specific societal treatment or his means of making a living. However, based on the context given, it seems his life took a difficult turn due to health issues at the age of 11.

If you’d like more information or details on Mashaka Qasim’s story, please provide additional information or specific aspects you’d like to know about his life, societal treatment, or how he sustains himself.


At one point while he was playing football with other children, they noticed something strange – his leg started swelling abruptly, causing concern and screams from the other kids. When the 11-year-old checked it, he was shocked at the sudden change.

Fortunately, both of his parents were alive at that time and initially didn’t consider it a major issue since he didn’t have any other illness. They made considerable efforts to help their son recover, visiting various hospitals, but unfortunately, they didn’t find a solution at any of the hospitals they visited, including Redmond.


After seeking help from various churches in hopes of finding a pastor or prophet who could perform a miracle, and then turning to traditional doctors as a last resort, nothing seemed to work out for him. From that point, he came to the realization that his life was destined for enduring hardship while searching for a means of livelihood.

Fortunately, he managed to secure a job as a conductor when his leg hadn’t swollen to its current size, allowing him to work and sustain himself. He worked in this role for more than 10 years, and it remains the only job he has ever done in his entire life.


After growing up and securing a job, the next step was to find a wife. He got married and had one child, but his leg continued to swell, causing increasing pain for both him and his wife. Eventually, the swelling became so severe that the man couldn’t return to work and had to rely solely on his wife for support.

Unfortunately, despite their familial needs and the man’s inability to work, the wife lacked enough compassion. Witnessing the man’s ongoing struggle to find employment, month after month, instead of being there for him, she chose to give up on the marriage and abandoned him after only five years together, despite their vows of staying together until death.

The precise reason for their separation remains unclear.

Unfortunately, it was the leg tumor that caused their separation. The wife made it clear that she left him because of this illness. Qasim was no longer capable of sustaining and providing for the family due to his condition.image

Later on, she remarried another man and, to complicate matters, she remained in close proximity to their former neighborhood. They often encounter each other, but it’s a melancholic interaction, with the man referring to his ex-wife now as only a friend.

Due to ongoing struggles with his health condition and the challenges it poses, he has no intention of marrying again because of his illness. When seeking advice from experienced doctors, he was informed that treatment for his condition in Tanzania was impossible, necessitating advanced treatment from abroad.

As a result, they contacted a hospital in India, sending the man’s medical documents and pictures illustrating his illness for evaluation and potential treatment


It’s been a challenging journey for the 35-year-old man who struggles even to afford daily necessities since he can no longer work. When he discovered that his treatment in India would cost a staggering $7,500 USD, it was a heartbreaking realization, especially as he faced difficulty in raising such a sum.

He reached out to friends, family, and local communities for contributions, but due to his impoverished background, no one was able to contribute, almost leading him to give up hope entirely.

The pain in his leg has become unbearable, affecting both his ability to walk and sleep. He relies on painkillers to alleviate the discomfort, but last year, his leg developed wounds, sparking fears of potential cancer, further diminishing his hope.

For 24 years, he has been suffering from this condition without a definitive diagnosis, having visited numerous places in search of a cure. Different individuals offer various opinions; some speculate it might have been caused by a certain mosquito, while others attribute it to witchcraft or a curse.

He expresses frustration over negative comments and hurtful opinions, such as those suggesting it was a punishment for adultery—something he was too young to have committed when the illness started. Despite these challenges, he remains resilient, acknowledging the multitude of opinions that hurt and break his heart, yet he continues to endure.



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