Justin Bieber’s Album ‘Justice’: A Journey of Love and Healing

On February 26, Justin Bieber suddenly announced the release of his sixth studio album titled Justice. During the quarantine period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Justin had the opportunity to reflect and reflect more deeply on himself. At the same time, the 27-year-old man’s happy marriage helped Justin make peace with his past. self. All of these things will probably be put into the lyrics of the new album by the male singer as a gift for fans on March 19.

Recently, in an article about the cover face for Billboard , Justin Bieber shared about his changes during the preparation period for this album. Let’s learn about the positive changes of the male singer.

Album Justice by Justin Bieber

A new Justin Bieber is more peaceful in his lifestyle and work

These days, Justin stops working at 6 p.m. and spends all his time during the day with his wife, Hailey Bieber . He has begun to arrange reasonable rest and work time. Wake up at 8 a.m. every morning, update the news with your manager to see what the world has to say about Justin Bieber – a pop star – while he is enjoying his time as Justin Bieber – a husband. Justin uses the iPad as the main means of communication and communication instead of using the phone, this helps the male singer be more proactive in limiting unnecessary relationships.

Justin Bieber with his wife

Justin Bieber chose “boundaries” as his keyword for 2021. When he was still a teenage music phenomenon, within 5 years, Justin released a total of 4 albums and had to organize tours in 450 locations between 2010 and 2017. That period For a boy in his adulthood, it is extremely difficult not to be able to choose to do what he likes. Even a casual music fan knows how painful times in his life affected Justin Bieber’s career. All the darkest moments at that time almost swallowed this singer’s life. In the New Chapter episode of the documentary series Seasons released last year, Justin Bieber revealed that that time made him feel like he wanted to commit suicide.

However, when talking about those years, Justin can recall with a surprisingly calm attitude: “I can talk about that period of my life without feeling like, ‘Oh my god, I’m so bad. bad” because now I am no longer the person I was back then. I also did some work to better understand why I made the decisions I made that day. I know where the pain comes from, and that’s what made me take such actions.”

A peaceful period of social isolation, a stable marriage, and new beliefs have created a “peaceful place” for Justin and the relationships around him. When it comes to promoting albums and going on tours, it means that Justin will have to get out of his comfort zone in 2020. In this album Justice , the male singer discovered that building a suitable schedule How closely related is being consistent, trusting in God’s way, and getting enough sleep at night to maintaining success. However, Justin also said: “At this point, I have touched success so many times that I understand that success is not everything to my happiness.”

More proactive working attitude 

During the release of this album Justice , Justin was more proactive in the music production process. The male singer always wants to make sure everything goes smoothly. Even in the final mixes, Justin Bieber also cares and makes sure they are perfect in every detail.

Justin Bieber works more proactively

During performances, the male singer is also the one who proactively comes up with ideas, typically the online concert on the TikTok platform last Valentine’s Day , attracting 4 million followers. Allison Kaye, who along with Scooter Braun manages Justin Bieber, said Justin is always actively participating in rehearsals. Previously, keeping Justin in practice was such a problem that we had to arrange for someone to guard the door outside to keep him from sneaking away.

Love is what makes Justin Bieber a better version

Justin Bieber shares about the early years of his career: “Everything was about success and standards and things like that, but I still felt so empty… All of my relationships I have been damaged, but all the success and money I have still cannot satisfy me. That difficult moment was when Justin knew he had to start paying attention to other aspects instead of just focusing on work.

The marriage with Hailey is a milestone of changes in Justin Bieber’s life. Despite appearing in Vogue magazines in more than 11 countries, Hailey is still very good at balancing career and life, which has passed on a positive influence to Justin Bieber. The male singer has been more proactive in his music career, he has learned everything related to contracts and learned how to always be fair at work. Billboard said that, according to many sources, Justin is in the process of negotiating to own the original copies of his music products.

Justin Bieber and his wife

Hailey will also be Justin’s companion when the male singer goes on tour, which could take place in 2022. However, Justin Bieber is not too focused on when he will do the tour, because currently Currently, Justin is enjoying peaceful moments with his wife and his beloved colleagues. He always has faith in God and is always grateful to his fans who have always supported him in his upcoming album release.


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