Kitten Belle Unveiled: A Heartwarming Introduction to Our Three-Week-Old Feline Family

She’s a curious little mouse! Belle is becoming more active each day. She and Beau spend a lot of time sleeping, but when they’re not sleeping they roll around with each other in baby wrestling matches. They bubs got a room upgrade so now they have the whole bathtub to explore, including a litter box!
P.S. This pic was actually taken a few days ago (so she doesn’t really look 3 weeks old here) but it’s too cute not to share! @fosterbubbies said.

These bubs are always together, but usually they’re either asleep or wrestling so I’m stoked to finally capture them both looking at the camera! Nothing beats a pair of kittens. They thrive with a friend to cuddle & wrestle with! @fosterbubbies said.

Pairs of kittens are the best! These guys love their toys, but guess what they play with even more than their toys? Eachother! Kittens thrive with a kitten friend to chase, wrestle, play, & cuddle with. #AdoptAPair

Belle & Beau got dressed to impress and went back to the shelter yesterday just in time for #NationalAdoptAShelterPetDay. Kittens need a friend to chase, wrestle, play, & cuddle with, so go meet them and #AdoptAPair! @fosterbubbies said.


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