Revealing the Heart-Wrenching Ordeal of a Lone Dog, Devoured by Ants in a Desolate Field: A Tale of Danger and Despair

According to Pitiful Animal Phoenix is ​​one of the 5 worst instances they’ve ever rescued. When the rescue team located Phoenix, she was in a critical situation. Phoenix was ​​lying alone in a barren meadow, with a slender physique.

There were many bugs on her feet, hundreds of thousands of ants devoured her. She could not rise up and walk, she wailed in anguish. Despite lying on the curb, no one recognized her existence.

“We couldn’t comprehend why humans were so cold to such a sad dog? I quickly brushed away the ants for Phoenix, and fed her a little, but she didn’t take even a bite. I placed Phoenix in the car and headed directly to the hospital.” Said the rescuer

Doctors quickly examined her and advised that she could have a pelvic fracture and malignancy. She suffered from extremely low temperatures, acute malnutrition and anemia. Phoenix has done 2 tests and thankfully all the negative findings.

First of all, doctors employed medications to control body temperature together with serum infusion. Eventually they turned to the permanent approach of employing blankets and heating. Yet it looked that Phoenix had a nerve damage that rendered her unable to regulate her behavior and frequently convulsed.

After 2 months in hospital, this was the first time the nurse could shower her. All of the team of doctors were trying to keep Phoenix through this difficult time.

“We were quite pleased of Phoenix since she was doing so well and had no intention of giving up the life.”

Three months after being rescued, let’s see how Phoenix has evolved. She was perfectly healthy, plump, and gorgeous. In particular, she is having a wonderful life that many other dogs have dreamed of.



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