Revealing the New Chapter: The Current Appearance of the Once-Considered ‘Fattest Boy in the World

Revealing the New Chapter: The Current Appearance of the Once-Considered ‘Fattest Boy in the World

Indonesian teenager Arya Permana weighed 191 kilograms at the age of 16. Because of this, the boy was dubbed the fattest in the world. Arya was very complex against this background, but at first he did not take any action to solve the problem.

Permana ate such large portions that it could feed several adult men. The boy had five meals a day. In one meal, Arya ate rice, fish, meat, vegetable soup and several soy cutlets. However, the boy had no physical activity. And where is it already, with a weight of 191 kilograms, it was even difficult for him to simply move on the street.

Eventually, Arya was unable to attend school due to shortness of breath while walking. And the search for clothes for the boy turned into a real quest. It was impossible to find such sizes on the market, so parents were forced to make everything to order. Where did all this lead? The question is obvious, as is the answer to it – no good. However, Arya was able to pull herself together and change everything.

The boy realized that he couldn’t live like this any longer. Something needs to change. Arya went on a diet and, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, began to engage in sports. After a while, the young man managed to transform himself in an amazing way: the number on the scale dropped from 191 kg to 83 kg.

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You will understand the basics of the human body and metabolic processes in particular and understand why you need to worry, first of all, not because of excess weight, but because of what problems and wrong decisions lead us to it.


When Arya spoke to the media, he noted that this merit belongs exclusively to his coach and mentor Ada Rai, who was able to understand the importance of physical activity and maintaining a balanced diet ( read also : It’s not easy for him: how a boy lives forever locked in the body of a baby ).

Now Arya is not at all shy about posting her photos online, showing people before and after shots. And they not only look at the young man and praise him, but are also inspired to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and play sports.

However, the Indonesian does not stop there. He continues to this day to improve his body and study its capabilities. The young man has impressive achievements in sports. The guy follows a strict training schedule, maintains a regular diet and plays football, which he could only dream of before.

Arya also returned to attend the educational institution, and classmates could not recognize the guy who abruptly returned to class after a radical transformation. All that remains is to admire the achievements of the Indonesian and be inspired by his example ( read also : What does a boy look like who was diagnosed with rare untangleable hair syndrome – photo ).

Anastasia Kuknerik , Yulia Ionina


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