Rihanna REVEALS Diddy Tried To FORCE Her To Stay With Chris Brown? │ Chris Named In Diddy Lawsuit

See, see, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, um, use my Twitter to talk about that, because that’s somebody else’s business, I know, but you gave them your house.


But but we’re talking about Twitter.

Yeah, how you use Twitter, and that’s something else.

I’m just saying I wouldn’t really Twitter about that.

Okay, So now y’all already know that there’s been messy drama between Rihanna and Chris Brown since forever.

But did y’all know that Diddy was all involved in the scandal from the jump?

Well, the pot is boiling over yet again and gather around because I’ve got some scalding Deets on some of the wildest accusations world around: Diddy and his motives for reconciling Rihanna and Cb.

Now let’s break this foolishness all the way down.

Word on the streets is that Diddy arranged for a little meet and greet between Riri and Cb at his Miami mansion very soon after the faithful fight night, but Riri was still sporting bruises and bandages.

So why was Diddy all in the couple counseling so quickly?

Now I know that Diddy loves to call himself brother love, but I know good and God dog.

Well, he didn’t expect folks to buy that.

He organized this reconciliation Retreat out of the kindness of his heart.

Well, word in the streets is that this reunion was very suspicious and Mr Diddy coms had some ulterior motives.

I mean, let’s keep it a Bu.

Supposedly he offered up this plush Palace at some neutral location for the former love birds to make up and talk about it, but it was just too convenient.

If you ask me, I mean Rihanna still had a Dagone black eye and this man had already got her pulled up in his Mansion to kiss and make up with Chris Brown.

Math a Ma.

I don’t think it’s.

I don’t think that it’s um right for anybody to hit anybody at the end of the day.

You know, and I don’t think it’s right.

You know, I think that we all have to be honest with ourselves as adults and and people that have been in relationships.

You know, we know, sometimes those relationships get ugly, you know, and sometimes it doesn’t come out into the Forefront the way this one has come out, and it’s a lot of stones being thrown and we don’t know exactly what’s going on.

These are two young individuals.

We need to pray for them and we need to give certain support.

But you don’t need to start just saying that you know something that you don’t know.

You wasn’t in that car, I wasn’t in that car and it isn’t right for him to put his hands on her or her, to put his hands on him, and we don’t know what the problem is, but we need to pray for them and we need to do things to support them.

And that’s all I want to say about it.

We’ll Circle back years later because some scalding legal documents just dropped, accusing Diddy of all types of inappropriate and scandalous Behavior and the references none other than the incident between our girl Rihanna and Chris Brown.

Now I know it’s definitely giving messy boots, but nothing’s confirmed, because these allegations draw a potential connection between Diddy’s alleged predatory parties and their high-profile domestic abuse cases, basically hinting that Diddy used their relationship drama to serve his own sneaky agenda.

Now think about it.

If any of this is true, it means that Diddy knew about Rihanna and Chris’s severe dysfunction, and if he attended these ungodly ragers, he could have witnessed Chris Brown’s volcanic temper firsthand.

But instead of trying to protect Rihanna, he allegedly used their trauma to manipulate and Reconciliation that benefited him.

Now let’s rewind to that tragic night back in 2009 That Shook the whole music industry and, truthfully, the whole gossip World down to its core, the night that Rihanna’s fairy tale romance with Chris Brown took a devastating turn when Chris Brown Roy popped off and assaulted this Pop Princess Le.

Rihanna battered, bruised and struggling to make sense of it all.

It was jaw-dropping and heart rening for us F to hear that America’s sweetheart had been beaten Black and Blue by her own man.

Now, in the dark days following, Rihanna was understandably an emotional, hot mess, trying to pick up the pieces of her life, still dealing with the trauma and aftermath of Chris’s explosive temper.

And the media well enter Diddy, who took it upon himself to swoop in like Captain Sav him and play Dr Phil for the troubl former couple.

And out of the blue, he offered up his Miami mansion as a neutral location for Rihanna and Chris to meet and apparently work through their Madness.

He’s sping like he was doing some type of couple’s counseling nonsense at a chance of healing.

Because because, because I know both of them, and it’s my house M and I’m allowed to get my house whoever I want to get my house to, that’s number one.

Number two is that I I’m the type of person that I don’t cast a stone or cast a judgment on anybody, and so if a friend or friends ask me for a favor, then I’m going to be there for a favor.

As long as I know that the energy of the favor is positive for two people to sit down and talk about a situation that they’re in, I’m not going to get involved in it.

I’m not going to pass judgment on it.

If I could be there as a friend during hard times, then I’m going to be there as a friend.

But I don’t know the exact particulars.

I didn’t get into it.

I’m not going to do this or do that.

It was a dark, a dark time for them, and I was there more as a support.

That was it.

But I mean, let’s be for real, guys.

A lot of eyebrows were raised and salty looks were thrown when Diddy so generously offered up his Miami mansion to Brianna and Chris, supposedly to give the former love birds a neutral place to reconcile their differences.

But it happened so soon after the brutal incident that side eyes were definitely in order.

I mean, come on now.

The stitches had barely been removed from Rihanna’s battered face before she went running back into the arms of a man who put them there in the first place and conveniently on Diddy’s Lux property.

Real quick, yeah, this timing is very suspect.

There’s no way that Ranana was ready to hug it out and make up with Chris Mir days after he darned there, beat her into a coma.

Now something in the m a clean.

It seems like the tragedy made her catch Amnesia real quick if she was entertaining that fool again already, which brought everyone to ask the golden question: how did Daddy get in this?

We knew it wasn’t out of the goodness of his own heart not buying that narrative.

So there had to be some type of ulterior motive.

And clearly, by these messy accusations did he had quite the agenda indeed.

So let’s get into it.

According to some scalding legal documents that just dropped did.

He may have had those Alterior motives in offering up his place for Rihanna and Chris, but Alterior more like Sinister, because the docs claimed that around the same time did he play counselor for their messy relationship.

He was allegedly hosting some wild and runchy parties.

We’re talking bottles popping, nonstop, drug buffets with everything from Mary J to crack, rock, crack rock, scantly dressed women of questionable age everywhere, and the whole sinful Shebang was going down on these Suare at Diddy’s mansion and if you can believe the documents even claimed none other than Chris Brown himself was on the guest list for at least one of these stimulating ccaps Mhm. scandalous.

So while did’s out here preaching healing and Reconciliation from Dr Love’s book, He’s allegedly enabling Chris Brown’s bad behavior, and These Eyes Wide Shut parties make it make sense, y’all.

I could have make this up if I tried.

Diddy was out here pretending to be the poster child for domestic violence awareness, while apparently drugging up girls and young enough to be his daughters and keeping up a thriving roster of sex workers in his becking.

Call for these ragers.

Yes, it was all types of sinful Madness, according to these reports.

So where did Diddy even find the audacity or the the gall to find time and try to do some couples counseling in between all this alleged nastiness?

But, as we all remember, their fairy tale romance came to a shocking and violent end when Rihanna suffered brutal injuries after Chris Brown royally popped off and dished out a Beatdown that was heard around the world, leaving Rihanna bruised and struggling to make sense of it.

All these gruesome details of the incident rocked the entertainment industry royally.

Of course, we all had the inside scoop to the situation as it went down in 200, 9, but never in a million years did I think that this traumatic event would become linked to the most absolutely wild accusations now surfacing against Diddy in 2024.

A album, um, I took a year off straight working on this album.

That album is the love album Off the Grid by Diddy, um, and it’s Grammy nominated.

Right now, as we speak, um, I should be um celebrating, but the truth is I’m not.

Taking this album on has required so much time, um, you know, months and at at a time, 16 hours to 24 hours a day.

Um, sometimes you know, Diddy will request certain Works to be done and tell us: don’t go to sleep until it’s done.

And, and the truth is, we’ll be up for days trying to accomplish that.

I’ve tried to get my business straight with them on this album, but the truth is that I land Fair they.

They hit me on below the belt on so many situations.

Just just just just dealing with this.

It’s the contract that they get me and the offer that they gave me was just disgusting.

The, the, the, the producer fee pannies, and on top of that, these guys are trying to steal my publishing.

I can’t go for that.

So I’m fighting back.

He’s a fighter, um, but I’m, I’m.

I’m going to put in this fight.

I got to do it for myself, my rights and, most importantly, my kids taking my publishing or stealing it.

It’s just it’s.

I’m not going to let that happen.

Doing this situation is not easy.

Taking puff to court, suing him is not easy.

I don’t have the the the monies that it’s going to take to fight him in court.

So I’m just asking, you know, if you, if you in support, please.

The link is in my bio to my F me.

I couldn’t believe it as I tried to grasp all this messiness.

The fact that Diddy may have used Rihanna’s own painful history with Chris Brown as upon in his alleged scheming and manipulative games is almost too shocking for words.

It makes me look at the man in a whole new light.

The documents also claim it wasn’t just Diddy engaging in all this nastiness and predatory behavior at these parties.

Apparently some of his nearest and dearest friends were getting in on this action too.

It’s alleged that Diddy’s right-hand man, Stevie Jay, was a regular attendee at the ey wise shut parties, getting into all sorts of shenanigans right alongside Bossman.

Diddy Dvj apparently had no worries about partaking in the wild sink that often unfolded at Diddy’s Mansion.

Even more shocking, Diddy’s own flesh and blood.

His son, Justin Combs, is named as an active participant in these stimulating Cscap Aes.

According to the reports, Lil Justin had no problem indulging in the Roni activities that went down whenever his daddy, through one of his Infamous no holds bar bashes.

And some chick named Kk, reported to be one of Diddy’s assistants, is also accused of attending the sinfest and helping to set the tone.

Kk was apparently instrumental in planning the details, whipping these parties into a frenzy, recruiting party guests and handling the entertainment, including the roster of working girls.

There’s even these new accusations from Rodney Jones, who allegedly was sexually assaulted and harassed by Diddy.

Rodney also posted this video of Diddy and his associates joking about taking his publishing.

Listen to this.

This is messed up.

Cuz I run, you feel me I run.

Yeah, You do little.

Rod ain’t worth giving his kingdom to.

If we don’t control his publishing, I can solve his efforts with three other human beings.

He’s eating at our table and I like his backstory, but you need to have other people.

It’s hard to work with him unless we have his pu.

He’s a piece of human, but we do not need his talent unless we can work with him.

So apparently, Ro attended one of Diddy’s coercive parties and ended up getting harassed in the worst way possible.

Now, definitely, our minds can wander with all these different accusations and stories that have come out about Diddy, and it looks like Rod is hiding in fear of what Diddy can potentially do to him.

Hello, everyone.

Um until further notice.

I would not be performing any gigs or anything like that.

Um, for security reasons, my family, friends, andone close to me just feels like there’s a lot of potential threats and everybody’s just telling me what he’s allegedly capable of.

And you know it’s very scary.

Um for myself, and you know it has me worried about my kids, and you know just sleeping with anxiety and different things like that.

So just moving forward, um, just going to pause on everything until we know that it’s, it’s, it’s clear and safe for me to come back outside of work.

I appreciate U you all for your love and support and everybody that knows me a Shad real thank you, so much love.

Did he believes he’s above facing any repercussions thanks to Blackmail material he’s collected at these parties over the years?

Supposedly he secretly films his high-profile guests into compromising positions to use as collateral ensuring their silence.

I mean just when you think the accusations can’t get any more extreme, even more scandalous details emerge about Diddy’s allegedly manipulative Behavior.

Now, if true, it means nothing, and no one is off limits when it comes to his maintaining control through pure scandalous means absolutely bone chilling.

Can you’all even believe this nasty business?

I mean?

Can somebody open a door?

Let’s trck a window or something, because the drama is reaching all types of boil, Andy, messiness.

But what do y’all think about this now that we’re seeing all these accusations?

Do y’all really think Diddy did it?

And what do y’all think about his role in Riri and Chris Brown’s reconciliation?

What was his motive there?

Let me know your thoughts on comments below and then check out this next video.

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