Survival Struggles: Pregnant Stray Cat with Blinded Eyes Fights for Life in a World of Darkness

Today, our main character is a white cat with injured eyes. It’s the first time we’ve seen her in this area, so she might be from somewhere else. She appears to have an injured leg as she limps while walking. Her eyes are filled with mucus and dark dirt.

Looking at her belly, we realize that she seems to be pregnant. Her eyes are filled with pain and sadness as she gazes at us with determination. It seems like she’s pleading for help.

We sprinkle some food on the ground to attract the cat. Slowly and gently, she cautiously approaches us. We try to pick up the scattered bits of food from the ground. And in a flash, a member of the rescue team catches her with a net. Everything goes smoothly, and joy fills our faces.

We quickly bring her to the veterinary hospital for examination. She is scared, hiding deep inside the cage and reluctant to come out. The doctor informs us that she is pregnant and has around 2 or 3 kittens inside her small belly. There is a suspicious swollen spot on her belly.

They help clean her eyes and remove the dirt. Sadly, her eyes are covered in a cloudy white color. The doctor shines a light to test her eye response. The results show that her vision has decreased by more than half. The images she sees have become blurry and unclear.

The doctor says there is still hope for treatment through injections and medication. Currently, the cat is being kept at the hospital for special care. We hope that she will recover soon and regain good health.

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