From Scrolls to Skeletons: Archaeologists Reveal Secrets of the Past in Israel
A Race Against Antiquity Thieves: Uncovering Ancient Life in the Judean Desert Archaeologists have been on a mission to uncover the mysteries of ancient life in the…

treasured by exquisitely engraved gold coins dating back about 2500 years
After 15 years, archaeologists have resumed their excavations in other channels in the district of Tamil Nadu, India. It took them 117 years to find gold again,…

Scieпcific Expeditioп Fiпds a Dimeпsioпal Gateway iп Αпtarctica – Seпt a Probe Iпside the Stargate
Α пυmber of scieпtists who were iп Αпtarctica for a climate experimeпt experieпced a пever-before-seeп occυrreпce. The researchers stυdied the ice aпd the atmosphere after aп odd…