The Feral Cat Chronicles: An Inspiring Tale of Metamorphosis, Nurtured by Devoted Volunteers

In the spring of 2020, the Animal Friends Project took in Hank, a cat living feral in Lake Worth, Florida. When a kind woman discovered the big black kitty, he had severe mange and was almost unrecognizable as a cat. Sadly, he had long been suffering from ongoing health issues. Plus, he lost the person who was feeding him.

“[Hank] was suffering from severe mange and Maria, a very kind person, trapped him and took him to Canal Animal Hospital, where he was treated for mange, and he was neutered as well,” the volunteer group stated on Facebook.

Hank the cat, Animal Friends Project Ince. Fort Worth, Florida

Expensive Veterinary Care

Following veterinary care, Hank was grumpy and not very friendly. So the rescue group decided he needed to keep a watch on him, although Maria’s 90-year-old father kindly offered. So, Noemi, a volunteer experienced with medical fosters, would take care of Hank as he recovered from a wide range of health issues. However, it would be very expensive, so the volunteers asked for donations to help.

Hank the cat, Animal Friends Project Ince. Fort Worth, Florida

Rapid Improvements in Months

Truly, Hank was suffering badly on the streets of Lake Worth. However, he would now have extensive veterinary care and love from the Animal Friends Project. After one week, he was already showing “big improvement.” By the next month, Hank was beginning to look like a totally different cat.

In addition to needing treatment for mange, the cat’s matted fur had to be shaved. A newly shaved Hank looked rather sad but improved a bit anyway. However, that was just the beginning.

Under anesthesia, the vet discovered infections in Hank’s ears and gums, requiring expensive medication and antibiotics. 

After all the medical care and TLC, Hank began to emerge anew by August. Incredibly, by December, the miserable crusty cat was now looking vibrant and even fluffy. After many months of feeling miserable, Hank was becoming playful again.

🎄 Hank at Christmas 🎄

By December, he was looking entirely renewed, with long black and white hair. Peeking out from under a Christmas tree, the once-neglected feral’s golden eyes sparkled with life again.

“It looks like Hank likes the Christmas tree.” 

It just goes to show how dramatically the Animal Friends Project’s efforts paid off. At first appearance, Hank may have seemed like a hopeless cause. As you can see, he sprang back in a few months with some much-needed care and love.

Today, Hank is a fluffy, playful cat again. But amazing transformations like this aren’t possible without ongoing support. If you want to help, follow the volunteers on Facebook and Instagram. And, you can share this story or donate to help fund the constant efforts to help cats in Palm Beach County. 

It’s truly amazing what caring rescuers, love, and some veterinary care can do. 😻😻😻

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