When I first heard Bill Uhouse, a retired mechanical engineer from Las Vegas, tell his story of being involved in reverse engineering alien technology at certain government facilities, I was both amused and confused.
I found it amusing because he indicated that the big boss of the project was an extraterrestrial biological entity he knew as J-Rod who arrived on Earth in 1953. According to another source named BJ discussed later in this article, the “J” and “Rod ” were derived from the first attempts to establish communication between the extraterrestrial biological entity EBE and North American scientists along with the contact with EBE.
Since the launch of the MJ-12 Eisenhower Reported Documents in the early 1980s, the term EBE has come into popular use to designate diminutive, gray-colored humanoids associated with dropped saucers. Another variant spelling is Eben used by physicist Paul Bennewitz and others.
Some hinted that Ebens were also a class of EBEs with certain distinctive physical characteristics and claimed to be working with our military scientists and engineers on various projects. According to BJ, no language interface to the EBE existed in 1953, so a series of symbols was shown to test its reactions. Some symbols looked like letters and others were geometric shapes.
The first symbol EBEN pointed to looked like a “J”. The other was an “inertial bar” that looked like a rod. So humans called Eben “J-Rod”. I was confused because I wondered why he was releasing information about a highly classified operation and I was also skeptical about another “informant” with stories about Area 51 and S-4.

Kingman, Arizona 1953
Engineer Bill Uhouse claims that there was a crash of an Eben aircraft near Kingman, Arizona, in 1953 and that four entities survived. That would have been six years after the more famous Roswell crashes and “interplanetary craft of unknown origin” recoveries.
In Kingman, according to Uhouse, two disabled Ebens and two others that were in good condition were recovered by US government units specially trained for rescue missions. The two non-humans in good condition were allowed to re-enter the ship and the disabled entities were taken to an unspecified medical facility.
He also claims that a recovery team that entered the ship to inspect it came down with a mysterious illness. The craft was then loaded aboard a trailer and transported to the Nevada test site north of Las Vegas.
Bill Uhouse claims that the events at Kingman eventually resulted in the project employing him to design and build a flight simulator that our aviators could use to learn to fly a saucer. Bill claims that he met one of the aliens who apparently oversaw this project and was known as J-Rod. Bill says he worked at both Los Alamos and Area 51.
Bill tells a fascinating story and it would have remained just a story until I read about a document purporting to be a technical paper on tissue samples taken from an EBE known as the AQ-J -STAMB. BJ says the “AQ” stands for Project Aquarium under the Majestic-12 group created by US President Harry S. Truman in 1947 and assigned to research the crashed saucer and non-human bodies that fell over the United States in the 1940s.
J-Rod, Technical Consultant, Nevada Test Site
On visits to the flight simulator, Bill Uhouse occasionally saw who was serving as a technical adviser to the top secret program Bill worked on. It was J-Rod, a typical gray EBE with no hair and no facial expressions. He had large black eyes or ocular lenses that are typical of these creatures. It would be 200 years old, suffering from cellular decay and still located at Papoose S-4, Area 51 in Nevada. But I cannot confirm this. According to Bill Uhouse, the funny thing was how he dressed in human pants and a baggy shirt. His shoes were different but I don’t know how. Its four-fingered hands were long.
When a retired U.S. Air Force major saw Uhouse’s drawing of J-Rod, he said, “Other than the long nails and bulk, this looks like J-Rod. He was skinny and didn’t have long fingernails.”

Editorial Note by EARTHFILES Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe: In September 1998 a source I interviewed at length who wants simply to be called “Kewper” told me that he worked for both the CIA and the Army Signal Corps between 1956 and 1960 He was stationed at an Army school that taught cryptography in the southeastern United States. His supervisor asked Kewper to join a highly classified group at the CIA to review photographs, drawings, documents and other evidence from around the world relating to the presence of non-human intelligence. Kewper said that in August 1958 he and his boss and five other CIA colleagues flew to Nellis AFB, Nevada, for a meeting with a USAF colonel in a built-up area in the Papoose Mountains near Groom Lake called S-4. There, t
Not only did the group see seven round craft inside a hollow area of the Papoose Mountains, but they were taken to an office to communicate telepathically with a gray non-human working in some capacity with the US government. For more information on Kewper’s story, see EARTHFILES.com Radio Archives May 31, 1998 Dreamland and Coast to Coast AM on Kewper, CIA and Area-51.
B.J., Dr. Dan Burisch and J-Rod Tissue Analysis
I sent a copy of the document I received referencing J-Rod to a contact of mine in Las Vegas known as BJ. She was working with her friend, Dr. Dan Burisch, on anomalous objects appearing in images of Mars, especially in an area known as the “Inca City”. It appears that Dan had previously worked in the top secret S-4 facility as Dr. Danny Benjamin Crain, a microbiologist who had taken tissue samples from an EBE. He was listed in the document I received as Danny Benjamin Crain, Ph.D. (Captain, United States Navy, NRL) Task Force Leader, Project Aquarius, R-4800, Site Papoose 4.
In the words of BJ, “When confronted with the evidence Dr. Burisch became highly defensive, but later admitted that he had indeed been involved with experiments on tissue of an ‘unknown nature’ which ultimately proved to be samples from an ‘alien’ source. it was also confirmed that the alien source material was obtained from an extraterrestrial biological entity housed deep within this base,” in a secure facility that resembled a perfectly round, clean, ball-shaped sphere or chamber. Why? I don’t know. This revelation triggered a series of problems: Our internet and phone communications were suddenly monitored and interfered with.
The source of this interference was finally determined to be Dr. Burisch “upstairs” who were monitoring everything Dan said for fear that he would divulge confidential information. He received threatening and intimidating visits from representatives of his former employers to his home and workplace as a warning not to speak further on the matter.
According to BJ, Dr. Burisch even had his hand broken and eventually his memories were altered so he didn’t remember anything about S-4 and J-Rod. But a document was leaked from Area-51 with Dr. Dan Crain and describing in detail the nature of the experiments that were taking place in the lab under Area-51 – experiments that Dan didn’t want to talk about.
This document indicates that Dr. Dan Burisch (who had his name legally changed to Burisch de Crain in the mid-1990s) was the scientist responsible for entering the ‘clean sphere’ and taking over 200 tissue samples from the alien housed there, and for helping to coordinate the research. science on alien DNA. The content of this document is appalling.
It describes in great detail the types of tissue preparations required for propagating alien tissue and the use of human DNA taken from a corpse to attempt to repair a neural fault among ‘aliens’ that was thought to be genetic. He also discusses the team’s unanimous disapproval of ongoing genetic engineering efforts (by whose authority?) that could have an ‘intent to crossbreed’ humans and aliens to seemingly revitalize the alien species.
Excerpts from Leaked Area-51 Document Signed by Dr. Dan Crain, also known as Dr. Dan Burisch
“This document (identified Q-94-109A) is forwarded to the appropriate MAGIC-level directorate authorities of Naval Space Command in accordance with UNOST (adopted 19 December 1966: applied 10 October 1967) …… the contents of this report shall be considered as a final report (specification K-24) of the Principal Investigator, Task Force Leader (R-4800, Occupant Papoose Site 4). “The results of IN VITRO experimentation under the NSA/NSC-led Project Aquarius (Subintegument Neuronal Aspirative Avulsion Sampling Subsection King-35 {K-24, Extraterrestrial Biological Entity {EBE} also known as ‘AQ-J-Rod’ {JR} ) are listed here.”
The report goes on to state that: “…the methodology required the introduction of the Principal Investigator into the Pressurized Clean Sphere, which constituted an IGA – declared “Close Encounter Extraterrestrial (ECE), Class IV.c.” Under the section titled “ORDER”, the purpose of the overall study was explained: “Determine with scientific certainty the reasons for failure of in vivo neuronal repair at dendritic terminal ends from a pool of in vitro cell samples.
Classify such reasons functionally to determine the mechanisms of such failure then isolate the most likely pre-existing cellular conditions giving permission for proper regeneration. “Physiology was not repairing itself – at least in neural tissue – the way it should.) The report continues….. [Tissue samples that were taken from the EBE were grown on an agar medium made from] “Equal combinations of 10,000/100,000 pressurized racemic dictosthelium deoxycholate (%) and glucose acetate.” This medium produced the highest rates of fibrillar cell growth. The report went on to say that “nominal contamination restriction protocols were followed” and cited “Cross Contamination Protocol 6, NRL, Document Number Q-93-016B for procedural guidelines.”
Brief history of alleged Eben visitors
EBE-1 was allegedly taken alive from one of the 1947 flying saucer crashes and was held captive in an underground area at Los Alamos Laboratory, New Mexico. EBE-1 died of unknown causes on June 18, 1952.

J-ROD was allegedly recovered from a crashed saucer near Kingman, Arizona and taken to the Nevada Test Site and Area 51, S-4, Groom Lake and the Papoose Mountain engineering bay research and development complex. Some informants have suggested that J-Rod may have been part of the EBE-3 crew, but I think he arrived separately after the Kingman, Arizona, crash in 1953.
EBE-2 arrived in April 1964 for the first “official” landing and contact. The location was a highly secure Area 17 at White Sands (not Holloman AFB) located south of the current Shuttle landing site. The EBE-2 was described during a March 5, 1983 interview with the former AFOSI agent at Los Alamos as being 4′ 9″ tall and having a very thin body: He was dressed in a tight-fitting overall and with only four fingers and none The interview reportedly took place at Los Alamos National Labs on a Site 30 within TA49. EBE-2 departed in 1984 according to two alleged CIA memos shown to me by a former employee of Wright-Patterson and Sandia Labs. EBE-3 came as a scientist exchange in 1978 along with two assistants. One auxiliary was assigned to Groom Lake and the other assigned to Los Alamos Laboratory. EBE-3 was male and the LANL helper was female. EBE-3 and its auxiliaries left in November 1994.
There you have it – a wonderful story and provocative document to add to all the other leaked MJ-12 and Project Aquarius documents. You can claim this is just a fantastical tale or CIA disinformation (for what?), but the truth is, we don’t know. Separate testimonials and documents need further research and analysis. We also need more individuals who are willing to testify and have their backgrounds verified by researchers if we are to expend additional efforts seeking the truth about the extraterrestrial presence. If you have more information about J-Rod and Ebens, please contact Bill Hamilton at: skywatcher22@hotmail.com.
My thanks to Bill Uhouse, Robert Collins, BJ and Robert for sharing information about J-Rod and the Ebens. And to Linda Moulton Howe and Kewper for the comparative drawing of Kewper’s first-hand encounter in August 1958 at Papoose S-4, Area 51, Nellis AFB.