Today is my birthday, but I haven’t received any blessings yet, I’m very sad maybe because I’m ugly ‎

Today, we acknowledge the birthday of a dog plagued by ticks clinging to its eyes and belly, filled with fear and reluctance to let us approach, deeply distressed by its condition.

As we bear witness to this heartbreaking plight, let us extend our deepest sympathies and offer our sincerest wishes for comfort, healing, and a future free from suffering.

In a world where the bond between humans and their animal companions should be one of care and protection, it is disheartening to see the pain and fear experienced by innocent creatures.

This dog, with ticks infesting its most sensitive areas, serves as a poignant reminder of the suffering and neglect that exist in our midst.

Its journey is one of anguish and despair, its days filled with torment as it struggles to cope with the relentless onslaught of parasites.

Despite its fear and reluctance to trust, it continues to endure, a testament to the resilience and strength of the canine spirit.

To the dog afflicted with ticks in its eyes and belly, I wish you solace in your suffering, companionship in your solitude, and the unwavering support of kind souls who see your worth.

May you find relief in the gentle touch of a caring hand, and may the warmth of human kindness help to ease your pain.

Though your journey may be fraught with difficulty and your path shrouded in darkness, know that you are not alone.

You are surrounded by a community of compassionate hearts who stand ready to offer you the love, care, and support you so desperately need.

image dogs

Happy birthday, dear friend. As you navigate the challenges of your condition, may you find moments of respite amidst the pain, and may you never lose sight of the flicker of hope that burns within you.

And may your birthday be a reminder to us all of the importance of extending a helping hand to those in need, for it is in lifting others up that we truly find our own humanity.

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