Touching Love Story: Woman’s Choice to Wed Legless Man Inspires Global Audience

He was dumped by his girlfriend right after he lost his two legs by accident.

He has been struggling ever since he thought his life was over.

They said he takes people to Hell.

Everyone thought he would make it in life because of his disability.

A Goat, a faithful wife who won’t ever give up on him.

He was blessed with beautiful children.

Meet prince.

I had an accident when i walked in the mining site that deals with processing minerals and one day mine fell on me and i was taken to the hospital.

They treated me in a workbook on my feet.

Legs kept being painful.

At first they removed one leg.

Later they saw that the remaining also caused some issues.

It showed signs of cancer and they decided to cut off all my legs by when i had the doctors who cut off my legs.

It did not bother me so much due to the fact that i phoned other patients at the hospital who confronted me and told me to worry.

A note that, after all, life continues.

Some of them had both limbs cut off, others had no arms, and so they taught me not to worry.

When the part was working on.

It was me and other two guys, who were three.

The two guys rested taking lunch and they said: let me finish the job first, i’ll eat later.

After a sudden there was a cracking of mine and so everything fell and covered me.

In that moment i could only see i could not even stand.

The rest was experiencing unusual pain and immediately i was taken to the hospital.

I spent six months in the hospital getting treatment and after running out of money i told doctor to release me, then went home with some first aid.

After the accident people also sat around me were not fair to say.

Some of the guys who used to have fun and chill around the hood started omitting me because of the disability.

They started going far from me.

So i realized it’s time for me to shift and find another place to live.

So i shifted and looked for a houseboy who would take care of me, whether washing my clothes, fetching water or even cooking and so on.

And now i’m unemployed.

I don’t have what to do.

I had spent only one week in that mining site.

Before going there i worked in a certain car wash, but the mining site where i did the accident from refused to give me compensation for the injury suffered at work.

I had a girlfriend before having an accident, who were in love.

She used to say i’m the only person she has ever laughed.

She could tell me that she loves me unconditionally.

We just had plans of getting married.

We even informed our parents about that.

After coming back from the hospital, she visited me at home and then told me it’s over.

She told me to break up.

She said she cannot live with me anymore.

I told her to come back to me, but she refused.

I told her i still breathe and my body functioned very well, but still she denied.

I told her one thing, since she loved my legs and my legs would not return.

So i’m sorry, let’s break up.

And we broke up that way, but for sure she broke my heart.

I would not imagine such thing happening.

She told me such was even before i fully recovered and i was depressed because i loved her.

She told me i will not manage to fulfill all the responsibilities of a man, such as providing for the family, are folding to preschool fees for children, covering the medical bill, paying rent and so on.

She said she would feel embarrassed working with half man.

I told her to say no more and leave me alone, and sometimes we’ll meet when we meet.

She can’t greet me when she sees me in front of her, she reverses the direction and after, Yeah, I got married to this beautiful wife.

Here i saw him passing around and asked my elder sister what happened to this man.

She told me he faced a serious accident and later we met and he greeted me, but at first i was afraid of him.

I could run away whenever he approached, because it was my first time seeing a person who is like this.

So we sat and talked.

He told me how he got disabled and when, and so many other things regarding his life since childhood.

From that moment, fearing him went away.

After some days he came to me and said he loves me and he wishes to be my husband, and i had felt a great sympathy for him seeing the way he struggled and doing different activities.

He needed someone to help him and, more especially, a spouse.

So i agreed to his proposal.

I loved him too.

I agree to be by his side and help him every time he needs me.

I did not follow possessions and so on because he had none.

I just loved him, for who he was.

As simple as that.

Family members of him, another close friend, did not accept when he told them he has a new girlfriend because they knew what had happened before.

They thought history will repeat itself.

They thought he’s pranking them and it was my turn to tell the family.

I only have the mother and a brother.

Our father died few years ago.

I had to tell them about my new fiance and how i planned marrying him, but before i left, the husband was worried.

He thought i was not there.

Coming back, he gave me his two pictures.

Due to the fact that people would always discourage and tell us we don’t make a good couple, people showed and paved the way for us to separate and cancel our relationship right away.

They tried every possible mean so that we would break up, but our bond was stronger.

They really pissed me off by saying: how can you live with such a lamb?

I never wanted to hear such discouraging words anymore, because it had become too much with praying.

Everything is possible.

That’s when i decided to go and first let my family know about our relationship.

It had been two months without seeing my family and during those two months that’s when we fell in love.

So i went and told my mother i want to get married.

I had two pictures of him before he got disabled and after he became disabled.

I wanted to confuse them and hear from them.


I told them i have two guys chasing me, but you as a family will choose the right one for me.

The first pick showed him when he was a bit younger and it looked somehow different to the other.

That showed him after getting disabled.

But my mother pointed on the second peak, showing him after getting disabled, and others said: we won’t go against our mother street.

The mother insisted that if he loves you for real, marry him, no matter what love.


That’s when i told him that those two pictures still show one person, and mom told me that do not build your marriage based on the appearance.

What if you’re married to a man with no problem and later he faces such a case?

Then she concluded saying that as long as you love someone, that is enough.

You can marry whoever you want as long as you love one another.

After hearing her parents reaction, my heart was felt with a lot of happiness.

That feeling was as if i had regained both my two legs, and at that moment it was unbelievable.

I thought i was out of this world, maybe in Heaven.

I could not just understand it, and later on we got married and it was beautiful.

God has been with us ever since and has blessed us with two beautiful children.

I found there was nothing complicated, as people said.

I felt at home i thanked the Lord that we haven’t failed, as people thought that after marriage, who would suffer?

Blamed me saying: how dare you get married to that man who goes on crawling yet you are still young?

Why not wait for someone else better than that one?

But as long as i was determined, i could tell them that though he lost his two legs, the heart and the brain functions, and that’s what makes a man.

I have heard most rumors saying that we, the disabled people, take people to Hell and they really know nothing about it.

People kept saying that if you support a lame person, sometimes it takes you directly to hell, but that’s a lie.

How’s that possible?

We are people like no one else, and supporting us is like supporting anyone else.

Now i’m unemployed, but there are different activities i can do when given capital, like those business activities that requires one to be seated in one place and sell different items.

I can manage that.

I can also do shoe repairing.

The message i can give people is that we live by God’s grace.

You never know what can happen to you, and then time for me-

I’m thankful that i’m Alive- develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

We love you.

This is afromax English.

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