Unbelievable! A giant 81m long snake with a bull’s head is blocking a river in India (Video)

Snakes are one of the animals that scare people. Not only because they have strong coils, but also because they have deadly venom. The appearance of snakes is often considered a bad omen and never settles down in the media. Many events involving snakes have occurred on earth, causing shock among the inhabitants.

A video shared by Tik Tok account keraton_reptil shows a large python entering a house through the hole above the door. This caused surprise and was not accepted by the host. Although many netizens cringed at the incident, some also thought it was funny.

Also, there is an interesting scene in another video uploaded on Tik Tok account @ Radar Sumedang. It is an image of a king cobra in the cracks in the door and frame. This snake appears to be guarding the house and has attacked people who try to get close to it.

A short while ago, a video circulated on social media that could give you goosebumps and make you laugh out loud no matter where you watch it. The video shows three men discovering hundreds of king cobras in a desk drawer. The man in the orange shirt fearlessly reaches into the drawer and grabs the entire batch of baby king cobras, putting them in a sack. This wasn’t a one-time occurrence either; he did it multiple times. The video, posted by TikTok account John Jung-99, has received over 800 likes, while the man’s actions have received mixed reactions from netizens.

According to legends, the king cobra is depicted as a giant snake with a head resembling that of a male or female cow, with horns so big that if in the city of Tenggarong, the head of a king cobra could reach the city of Samarinda. One story about the existence of this creature comes from the people of West Kutai, especially the people of Mahakam Ulu, where residents were shocked by the appearance of a pair of giant snakes with cow-like heads seen crossing the river by a fisherman as reported by a resident of Kampung Hutan Tiểu khu Long Bung. In reality, there were two visible snakes, one believed to be male as it had horns on its head, and the other female as it did not have any. For the Dayak tribe, this was a sign, specifically a warning that heavy rains and floods would occur three days after the appearance of this creature. However, this creature has never been seen again in the Mahakam River, and its existence remains a topic of debate. But the locals there believe that this giant snake is a protector of the Mahakam River.


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