Unidentified Blue Orb Over Merrimack, New Hampshire Puzzled Witnesses (video)

This image wasn’t edited nor was it altered in any way, shape, or form. This was an actual picture that a random bystander took as he was looking over the sunset. When reviewing the images, the photographer spotted this strange blue orb in the sky.

He immediately sent the image over to NH1 News to see what they reckoned it was in the first place.So, NH1 News’s top meteorologists responded by stating that this was just the light trapped into the clouds.

This alone didn’t really convince him as he stated that this really didn’t make as much sense as it seemed at first, since there are no clouds over to where the orb was identified and the blue hue of the light also makes zero sense altogether.

So, in order to look for more proof, he ended up sending the picture to UFO Sightings Hotspot who responded with actual proof backing up their statements.

So, what they showcased is the fact that this was actually a lens flare caused by a UFO from outer space.

As you can see, NASA has captured themselves the same blue hue orb in outer space on June 11th and even their International Space Station left similar lens flares as it orbited around the planet.

So, couldn’t this also be the International Space Station you’re looking at over here? No, because the ISS left off two massive blue orbs not just one as you can see here.


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