Unraveling the Mystery Surrounding Michael Jackson’s Death: Seeking Justice and Truth

Do you blame Dr. Murray for your brother’s death? Yes, I do. He is the one that was administering the drug, as far as I do know. 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏’s death at his Los Angeles Mansion was attributed to an OD of propofol, a surgical anesthetic used in operating rooms. Yes, 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏’s personal Doctor, Conrad Murray, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for his part in MJ’s death and he even served two years in prison. But trust me, it’s not as simple as that. Jana, I am an innocent man.

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I therefore plead not guilty, okay, Murray, if you say that you are innocent, were you the Fall Guy? Because from where everyone is standing, things are still not adding up. Who really is responsible for MJ’s death and why was he being set up to die, literally for years? Well, his family members are still seeking answers and a proper explanation for what really happened to MJ. I’m sorry, Robin, it is. I know because I keep saying the same thing. I couldn’t, but I just, it’s still, to this day, it’s still so difficult for me to believe it.

Janet Jackson definitely feels like MJ’s death may have been a setup, but she’s not the only family member who believes that. MJ’s sister Latoya did also spill that there was definitely something fishy about her brother’s death. “I truly feel that Conrad Murray is simply the Fall Guy. This was definitely something that was premeditated that they had planned to do and they planned to take my brother out, and my brother knew it, and that’s why he told me repeatedly and repeatedly and repeatedly that this was going to happen to him.

Janet Jackson Exposes Why Michael Jackson's Death Was Planned - YouTube

” According to Latoya, the explanation Michael gave her for thinking someone was after him was that they were after his catalogs. “He explained it to him, he explained it’s because of my catalog, which is my publishing, and they’re after it, and they want it, and they’ll put, they want their hands on and they want to take it away from me.” So, Michael developed this love-hate relationship with his catalog. Not the first time Latoya said that by the way, in an interview with CNN, she also made it very clear that she knew the death was planned. “Because first of all, Michael told me that they were going to murder him, he was afraid, he was afraid.” According to Latoya, when Michael walked in the house that fateful night, whoever it was that greeted him, he knew that his end was upon him. And as soon as he had passed some of the very people he’d expressed suspicions about, started controlling his estate. In fact, she wasn’t scared to drop a couple of names, one of them being Dr. Tomei who managed Michael’s Affairs towards the end of his life.

Sister Janet reveals how Hollywood sacrificed Michael Jackson - CloutBase

Apparently, as soon as Tomei began acting as Michael’s business advisor, he fired key people who had been close to Michael for years. And once Tomei shut out the rest of the world, he was able to steer Michael to her business ventures that were profitable for him and his friends. Sounds like somebody had an agenda, right? And if you ask Latoya, she will tell you that 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏’s only daughter Paris also believes her father was unalived. “And I just wanted, I love him so much.” In fact, in her book starting over, Latoya wrote about Paris’s description of her father’s final days, which were, “Daddy was always cold, Daddy was always freezing, he would sit and fall asleep by the fireplace, he would always cry, and we would watch to make sure everything was fine, and he needed a doctor.

Michael Jackson's estate releases statement on 10th anniversary of the pop  icon's death | Daily Mail Online

And then they turned the lights out, we were in the dark, and they cut the phones off.” On Paris’s description of her father’s last words to her, Latoya also wrote, “Prince and I were arguing, and Daddy said, ‘Stop fighting with your brother, I’m not always going to be here, and you’re going to have to be the lady and watch over him.'” As for what Paris herself said, she was asked in an interview with Rolling Stone whether she believed the death was a setup, and this was her answer. “Absolutely, because it’s obvious, all arrows point to that, it sounds like a total conspiracy theory, and it sounds like BS, but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it, it was a setup.” Then, when asked who she thought might have wanted her father dead, she replied, “A lot of people.” Paris also added that she hopes to one day get answers that will at least provide some justice for her dad, saying, “I definitely do want justice, but it’s a chess game, and I’m trying to play the chess game the right way, and that’s all I can say right now.” I mean, for all these family members to say that MJ’s death was a setup, there’s definitely something there. Other than the family members who’ve made it clear that it was all a setup, another person who has openly suggested that the death was definitely planned was Kanye West. Of course, we all know him for his very controversial Twitter rants, and in one of them, he was like, “MJ told you about Tommy before they him. Kim saved my daughter’s life. In the name of Jesus, it’s God’s choice only.

Janet Jackson Reflects On Michael Jackson's Death

I will live for my children. Kris, I’m in Cody. If you’re not planning another one of your children’s Playboy shoots.” Kanye was definitely referring to MJ’s bitter feud with former Sony CEO Tommy Mottola, who worked with him from his 1991 Dangerous album to the release of Invincible 10 years later. It didn’t quite end well, and MJ himself even called him out. The record companies really, really do conspire against artists. They still, they cheat, they do whatever they can, especially the black artists. Sony, Tommy Mottola, Tommy Matola, the president of the record division, he is a mean he’s a very, very, very devilish. MJ also said in 2002 when he was in London, “I own half of Sony’s publishing in Mijac, and I’m leaving him, and they’re very angry at me because of it, but um, I just did good business, you know, but um, so, the way they get revenge, and Tommy Mottola is a devil, you know?” I personally wouldn’t be surprised if Tommy had anything to do with MJ’s death because these devilish acts weren’t just on MJ. Like he does have a record of being nasty to a couple of people in the music industry. The thing is most of them have never been open, but MJ calling him out on several occasions, just imagine what Tommy would do to such a person. Anyway, other than claims that people who wanted to control MJ took him out, of course, there have also always been claims that MJ is in fact still alive. Allegedly, a border officer even saw 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏 crossing the border from California to Mexico. But to date, not a single person in Mexico has seen MJ yet. Maybe it’s a bit far-fetched to assume he’s alive, but let me know what do you think? Do you believe his death was a well.



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