Unveiling a Father’s Heart: AbdulFattah Dugaym Reflects on His Emotional Odyssey During Daughter Delal’s 3.5-Month Fight for Survival

Baby Delal, who engages in playful moments with his father in the hospital room, symbolizes the harsh reality of the Syrian war. As the youngest member of the Dugaym family, Delal escaped the onslaught of the Assad regime and found refuge in the tent city in Idlib. However, tragedy struck on January 1 when a fire broke out in their tent, resulting in serious injuries for baby Delal and the tragic loss of his older sister.

The infant sustained third and fourth-degree burns, particularly on the upper body and head, in the devastating incident. Initially deemed “non-viable” in the border-crossing hospital, Delal was swiftly transferred to Iskenderun and subsequently to Mersin City Training and Research Hospital on January 11. Remarkably, despite arriving at the hospital with 40 percent of his body severely burned, baby Delal has defied the odds, thanks to his innate will to survive and the relentless efforts of the medical team over the past months.

Today, after completing his treatment at the burn center and undergoing continued care in the pediatric ward, Baby Delal is ready to be discharged. His journey to recovery, marked by resilience and the dedication of medical professionals, will see him leaving the hospital next week. He will soon be residing in the home provided by his father in Mersin, embodying the hope and strength that transcends the challenges faced by the youngest victims of conflict.

“My eldest daughter, Yasmin, and my youngest daughter, Delal, could not escape the tent,” shared AbdulFattah Dugaym, a 33-year-old father, recounting the harrowing 3.5-month struggle for life faced by his little daughter.

Residing in a tent camp in Idlib with his wife and six children—four girls and two boys—Dugaym described the tragic incident that unfolded in their tent. After his brother lit the stove, a fire erupted. Dugaym, who was not in the tent at that moment but 100 meters away, recounted the intensity of the blaze that trapped the children inside. While four people managed to escape through a small window at the back of the tent, his eldest daughter, Yasmin, and youngest daughter, Delal, remained trapped.

Acting swiftly, Dugaym and his family contacted authorities and hospitals in Turkey. Despite immediate response and assistance, tragedy struck at the border, where Yasmin succumbed to her injuries. Dugaym shared, “I took Yasmin back to our country and buried her, and we brought Delal here.”

This heart-wrenching account highlights the devastating impact of conflicts on innocent lives, emphasizing the challenges faced by families seeking refuge and safety in the midst of crisis.

“They said, ‘Your daughter is very bad, she’s turned into coal,’” expressed Dugaym, who arrived in Mersin as a companion on March 9 and received distressing news from hospital officials regarding Delal’s severe burns.

Recalling the initial moments after rescuing Delal from the fire, Dugaym initially perceived the injuries as relatively mild, describing them as resembling first-degree burns on his face and arms. However, subsequent revelations indicated a much graver situation, with Delal suffering from serious burns, including internal injuries. The shocking news from the hospital conveyed the severity of the situation, with the stark description, “Your daughter is very bad, she is turned into coal.”

Despite the grim prognosis, Delal miraculously defied death three times. Each time authorities considered sending him to Syria for burial, the child would awaken the next morning. Dugaym reflected on the surreal nature of the situation, stating, “This is truly an incredible situation,” highlighting the remarkable resilience displayed by his daughter in the face of overwhelming adversity.

“The doctor said he would discharge him in a few days,” shared Delal’s father, providing an update on the recent health condition of his son.

Detailing Delal’s current health status, Dugaym explained, “According to the information our doctor has given us, his internal burns are in a much better condition. His lungs were very badly burned, but we have come a long way now, and he is in a very good recovery phase.” The father expressed optimism about the improvement of Delal’s breathing over the next month, paving the way for a subsequent operation. “After a month, his breathing will improve, so the operation will be performed again. We will do exercises to open his arms, and the next stage will be surgery,” he added.

The positive outlook on Delal’s recovery journey reflects the resilience and progress made, offering hope for continued improvement in the days ahead. The imminent discharge from the hospital marks a significant milestone in the young child’s path to recovery.

“40 percent of his body was completely burned,” shared General Surgery Specialist Dr. Çağatay Demirci, who was part of the expert team that treated Delal at the Burn Center. Dr. Demirci expressed shock upon first encountering Delal, describing the extent of the burns and the irreversible skin loss. Particularly affected were the fingers, ears, and nose, which were completely black like coal.

In response to the critical condition, an emergency surgery was immediately undertaken, involving special procedures to protect the remaining tissues. At the time Delal was brought to them, he was only 18 months old. Over the course of 2.5 months, he underwent a total of 8 major and 8 medium surgeries. The medical team worked diligently to clean all burn areas and create patches using tissues from other parts of the body.

However, the main challenge faced during this extensive process was the respiratory tract and lung burns caused by inhaling hot air rather than the burns from the surgery itself. Dr. Demirci highlighted, “This was a factor that forced us a lot,” underscoring the complexity and severity of Delal’s condition during the treatment process.

“Thankfully, our child, who was considered to have a 90 percent chance of survival, is alive as of today,” remarked Dr. Çağatay Demirci. He emphasized that not only the dedicated efforts of the medical team but also Delal’s will to live and instinctive behaviors played crucial roles in the child’s journey.

The medical team worked tirelessly day and night, treating Delal as if he were their own child. Dr. Demirci acknowledged the profound impact of a child’s inner strength on the success of medical interventions. Despite the significant risks and the initial estimation of a 90 percent chance of survival, Delal has defied the odds and is thankfully alive today.

“While he has many troubles and problems, and will undergo a lot of treatment in the long term, we can say this: being alive is a very good thing,” concluded Dr. Demirci, underscoring the significance of Delal’s survival and the ongoing challenges that lie ahead in his recovery journey.

Statiпg that Delal has overcome the first stage, which is sυrvival, Demirci said that a very loпg process is reqυired to regaiп his пatυral appearaпce aпd improve his weak fυпctioпs, aпd the most importaпt thiпg is to receive very serioυs psychiatric sυpport.

Delal’s treatment in the pediatric ward was overseen by Pediatric Surgery Specialist Dr. Arman Api, with Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Aydın Yücel taking responsibility. Dr. Api explained that they addressed the challenges posed by the fire, including damage to Delal’s trachea, by creating a natural opening in the windpipe through a tracheostomy.

“He came in a very distressed situation; we have made significant progress by now, and he is ready to be discharged in a very short time. He may be discharged next week,” stated Dr. Api, highlighting the positive strides in Delal’s recovery journey. The collaborative efforts of the medical specialists have contributed to the improvement of Delal’s condition, paving the way for his upcoming discharge from the hospital.



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