Alright, guys, welcome back.
Let’s take a look at our footage over here.
Ufo goes through a portal and this, this footage was pretty incredible.
This object is just flying over here.
It looks like storms about to happen and then just right there, just like that, it just goes right through.

Like you know, just amazing, something just opens up and within I don’t even know, I think it’s like half a second or something like that, maybe a second, that’s all it was.
It’s just incredible footage over here.
And apparently the source had just got done doing his grocery shopping, him and his wife and his kids, and then they saw this object
And then he told a wife, the pole or I guess the wife was driving, he told her to pull over and then he was just filming this thing and then all of a sudden it just there it is.
He saw that in slow motion, just completely just disappears.
Just amazing, guys, amazing footage.
As it says, Ufo goes through portal and you know, the question is: what’s going on over here?
Some kind of storm?
It looks like the source did not want to give out the location, you know, because he had his wife and kids and all that.

I guess they’re all kind of like wondering what’s going on now, but the date this was sent in to us: on July 14, 2007, teen Friday night- I guess that’s when they do their grocery.
Look at that, just amazing, guys.
Here’s a close up crease frame of that right there and it definitely looks like some kind of portal.
Look at that.
Well, it’s not like it’s complete perfect circle either.
That’s interesting.
It’s just like jagged, like it’s warped, and then, as this thing goes through it, it looks like it just starts fading out.
And then it’s just God, this has some of the more incredible footage that we’ve gotten to.
Stay the lean guy, Joe.
If you like seeing videos like this, hit that thumbs up button.
I mean, this is just amazing Ufo footage.
You know, don’t forget to share, like and subscribe, and remember we’ll be bringing these videos as soon as we get them and we will talk to you tomorrow.
Look at that, Wow, guys.
Have a good day.

Alright, here we go.
Top ten Yoko sightings 2017.
This one made it to the number one.
This is brand new footage we just received on June 4, 2017, and the source was flying.
He’s paying back home.
In it you can tell the planes actually coming in for a landing.
This amazing footage over here comes to us from North Carolina and this is what the source saw outside his window.
Just amazing footage.
Guys, look at that, the planes coming in for landing.
You can start to see the trees.
Looks like there’s a couple of lakes down there and then you have this huge object over here.
This thing’s pretty decent-sized, appointing, the source said, hard to tell from a reference point because there’s nothing really to compare it to except for the wing, and this is definitely saucer shaped object.
Look at it.

It looks like it has some kind of fire or some kind of energy around it.
Then, if you look closely at the bottom, it’s also looks like some heat distortion there.
Very interesting footage guy just was filmed where the Iphone, the source was just you know when.
I obviously just taking it back from this and it was all just according to what the source is saying.
He was heading back, you know, North Carolina, June 4, 2007.
Teen brand-new footage.
Here’s an extreme closeup of the object, definitely a flying saucer, and, as you can tell, over there there is, you know, a lot of energy around it and at the bottom looks like there’s some definite heat distortion going on.
Perhaps that’s what’s keeping, you know, the Ufo up.
Let us know what you guys think down in the comments below.
Is this a Ufo?

You know what’s going on.
Look at that energy and if you guys have witnessed anything like this or if you’ve seen anything like this in the sky, please leave it down in the comments below.
What’s in this sighting was comes to us from North Carolina, June 4th 2017.
Brand-new footage.
Guys, hit that thumbs up button if you like seeing these videos, and don’t forget to share, like and subscribe.
We’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Alright, here we go.
This one made it to the top 10 countdown Ufo sightings 2017.
This is just incredible footage over here.
Ufo sightings: farmer reports Ufo.
Apparently, this farmer has reported this object and it’s finally captured it on film, but he has reported at several times
And he’s kind of looked at as a kook right now and hopefully this will all change with this shocking footage that we’ve just been given.
I mean this is just crazy over here, guys, he’s- you know the whole bit he’s complained about you know- cows missing, all of that stuff, and I mean this is just crazy.
I mean, whatever this thing is, obviously it looks like it’s in the wintertime
And we’re waiting for 100% you know- verification that we can release his name and the farm because there’s some kind of issues going on, some legal issues too, so he has asked just to hold off on that.

But look at this guy’s amazing footage.
If you have any information on this, please leave it down in the comments below.
Don’t forget to share, like and subscribe.
I mean, this is an original.
We’ll talk to you soon.
All right, here we go.
Young ones, I have, we’ll say.
And number one: take a look at this, but this is taken over Mexico.
This often seems translucent.
Look at that, just amazing.
Seems to be a lot of distortion box with distortion going on, and first we thought it was some kind of bit, something like that, but it’s not moving up side to side
And it looks like there’s three components of three elements to the simple.
Look at that.
Maybe this is one.
Look at that.

Fence hacksaw, pledge guys, what is it?
Once again, this was taken over Mexico 2017.
So it is new footage, which is just absolutely amazing, and this has taken over Mexico.
The source was on a plane back and go back to.
He left United States and this is actually the fight that you would think.
Unless we can come back to the believing, we going to Detroit and the specifics on this flight of the back.
You still train up there on top.
Just excellent footage, guys.
Recent footage over Mexico, clink light from Cancun, Mexico, back to Detroit, Michigan, to W Airport.
That is what the sources said.
This he opposes answered.
Look at rings wisely.
And countdown guys.
You like seeing these videos is that thumbs up button?
Don’t forget to share, like and subscribe and, you know, breathe alright, welcome back.
Let’s take a look at our footage over here: top 5 Ufo sightings and this one made it to the number one- and a countdown.
This is drone footage.
They captured this amazing Ufo and take a look at this object.
Absolutely incredible guys.
This thing was just flying and the source hat is drone up, you can get up and you started filming this
And you actually kind of followed it.
As you can tell by this footage over here, it’s just rotating and kind of processing.
What’s going on with the Ufo.
If you look in the background there’s a bunch of cars and stuff like that.
This is over the city over here and this is just amazing footage.
And basically this went on for a while and then the Ufo just took off and the source followed it as much as possible with this drone and this is the footage we have.
Look at this absolutely amazing footage.

We did receive this footage May 17, 2007, teen, and you will most probably seeing it in the May 18th 2017 video-
So very recent footage, and this is just amazing.
This is what was captured.
Look at that.
The Ufo looks like.
It has almost looked like some kind of meteor or something like that.
It’s a very unique shape and it’s flashing and you can tell like pockets of you know that are just orange in color.
Just incredible.
What is this thing?
I mean, we there’s none
And you know.
Is it a meteor or what is you know?
And the thing is is that we just don’t have an answer to it.
We know that it’s a Ufo.
It’s, you know, made it to the top Ufo and the count down the top five Ufo sightings May 2017, and this footage is definitely got to be up there for you know, Ufo sightings.
It’s recent footage and look at that.
There’s the orginal, just amazing guys.
Look at the background.
See there’s things going on.
Well, let us know what you think down in the comments below.
What is it?
I mean, is it a meteor?
Is it a Ufo?
Is it something you know, is it a drone, which we doubt?
Nothing ever looked like this.
So if we could share, like and subscribe and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.
We’re on our way and it’s been a while, but four times a year.