War Survivor: Cat Rescued from Building Debris Embraces New Life with Ukrainian Government

Amidst all the gloomy stories, a touching story has recently emerged. One cat was rescued from Borođanka, Ukraine, from the ruins of a bombed-out building. According to an announcement on Twitter by Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the brave cat was adopted by the Government.
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“Do you remember the surviving cat from Borođanka? Here’s to a happy sequel to the story! Now she lives in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fed, bathed and loved. She will, of course, participate in all important meetings,” he wrote.

Since it was published, the news has attracted a lot of attention from Internet users . It managed to collect over 32,000 likes and over 5,000 retweets. Of course, the most important thing is that the kitty is well and safe, as if they will take care of her, caress her and love her.
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Dear kitty, we wish you a speedy recovery and a long life! And we ask you to be the loudest at the meetings you attend, because we would certainly vote for you.


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